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  1. Kyler brought home his first junior high report card yesterday. All A's and one B. Good for him! He doesn't seem to have to work very hard for those grades - he hardly ever has homework. Makes me worry that he won't learn good study habits, since it always comes so easily to him. So far he's managed pretty well, so I guess we'll see. He's proud of himself - and of course, we're proud too.
  2. I'm going today to get Josh Groban's Christmas CD. I can't wait. Josh Groban and Ave Maria? Be still my heart...
  3. Maple Oat Rolls rising on my counter as we speak... yum!
  4. Seems like almost all my friends are struggling with insomnia lately... like we're all awake half the night. I think it must be some hormonal phase we're all going through... like peri-peri-menopause. 'Cause heaven knows we're all WAY too young to be dealing with menopause... right? Oh my grief.
  5. I keep getting bills for Tejan's last hospital stay... the whole thing was donated, but it appears that some doctors neglected to tell their billing departments about that little detail. Can I just say... medical care is VERY expensive. I'm so thankful for all these people who have given so much for this little boy. I just wish I didn't have to spend so much time on the phone with women named Diane and Sue in billing.
  6. I have a new favorite pair of jeans. For years I've been happily wearing Levi's 515 boot cut jeans. I have four pair of them... two in size 10, two in size 8 for my skinny days... but while looking at Macy's the other day for jeans with a darker wash, I found my new favorites. DKNY Ludlow jeans... love them. I think I need another pair. They're SO comfortable. And they come in long lengths - which is good because my legs are too long for standard inseams and I usually end up hating my jeans after I wash them and they're up near my ankles.
  7. I'm not going to get any pecan pie this year... unless someone has it at the house we're going to for dessert. I can't buy it or make it because no one else in the house will eat it AND I CERTAINLY CANNOT EAT AN ENTIRE PECAN PIE ALL BY MYSELF, NOW CAN I? I'd never see those size 8's again. (Think of me, Steve, while you're enjoying yours...)
  8. I've got catalogs littering my kitchen island like nobody's business. Crate and Barrel. Land's End. Pier One. Pottery Barn. Art and Architecture. Wow. I'd love to look through them all, but I think I'm just going to chuck them. Catalogs only breed discontent in my heart... and heaven knows I don't need that.
  9. I need some cute Thanksgiving decorations. Seriously. All I have is one pilgrim-y plaque for outside and a few handmade turkeys from the kids over the years. I want some cute pilgrims to put up on the mantle or a turkey that's not too cutesy, but not too realistic either... seems silly to buy something now, two days before the holiday, but maybe I'll find something on sale after the fact. Probably not, though, since Thanksgiving doesn't seem to exist in retailer's minds. I can't help wanting a little something to tide me over from the Halloween decorations until the Christmas boxes come out.
  10. Wow, those rolls smell good. I might have to sample one before Thursday... just to be sure they're okay for everyone else to eat...

Happy Tuesday, friends!


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I, too, don't sleep through the night. The night sweats haven't been as bad lately, however one of the cats decided I needed major grooming last night. From 3 to about 5. I'm certain my hair has never looked better.

  2. I am SO getting that Josh Groban CD, too :) I am assuming you are sharing those rolls you are trying? We are only bringing the stuffing this year, so it kind of makes me sad that our home won't be filled with the wondeful aromas of a feast. Maybe next year :)

    Blessings to you and your family on Thanksgiving!!

  3. I'm thinking of you, Ugly, as I sit with here, my belly a little distended. I am savoring the lingering flavor of pecans immersed in corn syrup served in a flaky crust, warmed to the exact right temperature and smothered in vanilla ice cream.

    We'll have some for Christmas/New Years right here. I can't wait. Okay, maybe I can wait a little bit as I definately ate too much yesterday and today!


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