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On not becoming overwhelmed.


There has been this running theme throughout my fall.

A tendency to feel this time as a season of chaos.

And I find myself pushing hard against it. To not allow it residence in my heart.

But it's hard.

It seems as though just when I think I can settle in a bit... relax... go with the flow... another thing comes along that makes me sigh heavily and wonder where I'll find the strength...

And so I go along. Day to day.

There is very little rest. Except in teeny tiny moments. Like a quiet morning. Or a short nap on a hospital room couch. Or an afternoon when all is well and the kids are playing happily together outside.

Here and there -I can take solace.

But it's nothing like what it used to take for me to feel rested.

Heck - I can be refreshed in 10 minutes now.

And then something else comes along.

Today it was a visit to the dentist and the not-so-good results of Tejan's exam.

More surgery, believe it or not.

So I take a deep breath.

And I try not to cry as I inhale.

And I plan a little stop at the coffee shop on the way home - where a latte and a raspberry oat bar soothe my nerves.

And I allow the Power that courses through me - the Power not of myself - to fill me up again.

I'm learning to live this way...

So I do not become overwhelmed.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Interesting. Of all people you seem to me one who finds the joy and contentment in the smaller things of life, in the norm of life. You are doing this life right. Don't stop whatever it is you are doing because it may not feel like it's working but from the outside looking in it seems good to me. I think it's something you inherited from your Mom and Grandma. Nice. Very nice.

  2. :)
    ahh, deep breath.
    You relax me... because you help me smile. :)

  3. this seems to be a good day to say that Sandy and I were just saying at lunch yesterday how you have changed our lives :*) we took your class and you gave us permission to scrapbook for the first time in 30 years and not do it perfectly...we both spent time doing that over the weekend and LOVED it :*) I wonder if that same philosophy can apply to the rest of our lives?

    thanks Cate~! you are a wonderful teacher.....xo

  4. You have GOT to be kidding me! Another surgery?
    You poor sweet lady.
    What can I do? Do you want to come here for a weekend? I'll spoil you! Coffee and breakfast in bed, cocktail hour begins noonish...

  5. Yes! You know I used to always be saying "I'll do this when life slows down because it's crazy right now."
    And then one day I realized - LIFE NEVER SLOWS DOWN. It's always crazy. Once I made that discovery, things changed. I still get stressed but I know I have help :0)

    So glad your trip went well!!!
    Looks like a beautiful place!


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