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It's a caffeine kind of day...

I have this problem some days... if for some reason I am woken up any time after, say, 2:00 or 3:00 am, chances are, I won't go back to sleep. This morning it was E. coming in our room around 4:00... I asked Asia to get up and deal with him, because for sure if I get out of bed, I won't get back to sleep, but it didn't matter. I laid there until 5:00, then decided to get up and make my coffee.

The good thing in that, of course, is that I get to come out to my favorite chair, read my bible and pray while the house is totally dark and quiet, and get to bloggin'. I'll do my workout as soon as I'm finished here and have three of my daily goals taken care of before 6:30 am.

The garage sale is happening - I called to put the ad in the paper, so I'll be busy tonight after work, getting everything set up... I'm more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of garage-sale-haver - I'll sort of price stuff, but not everything. I'm easy, as far as prices go - offer me a buck and that lovely set of four Les Schwab Tire mugs can be gracing your cupboards as soon as you get home. (I have a brother-in-law who owns his own Schwab store in Montana, so guess what we get for Christmas every year?) Heck - offer me a quarter and I'd take that too.

My mind is so full of goals for this coming school year. I'm reeling with all the possiblities for how I can use my time. Ah, time! That commodity I've enjoyed so little of to myself for the last ten years... I really want to be disciplined to use it well - in ways that benefit my family as well as feed my creative longings... I have painting I want to get done, organizing, even some sewing I'd like to do... only four more days and I'll begin to divvy up my free time between my projects... I feel almost drunk with anticipation.

E. saw George W. on TV the other night giving typical presidential "reassuring words"... for some reason the kid is obsessed with the big guy's accent. Whenever he hears him, he has to echo the words of his speech, trying to get the southern drawl just right. So for a couple of days now, he's been walking around the house saying "May Gawd bless ya'll". A few months ago, it was "We are not, dealin', with the isshya (issue)" with his arms bent at the elbows and hands raised for emphasis... it's absolutely hilarious. How many five year olds do you know who can mimic George Bush? We have a little Richard Little in the house. (Eww - remember Richard Little? Whatever happened to him? He always gave me the creeps.)

For those of you who didn't notice, I revealed my blogness to my girlfriends here in town - a really scary thing for me to do. For some reason all these months I had never told any of them about this - I guess partly because I've written about them, (and my pathetic struggles with feeling adequate in my relationships with them), but also partly because it's easier to write for people I don't see very often than those I do. I felt it was time though. So, if any of them ever happen to come by and read, (besides Mindy, who already has made her presence known) welcome, girls...

I'm a little freaked that I actually wrote that I wanted to get some sewing done. What was I thinking? I hate sewing.

Wow - I need to go back to bed.

Okay. I'm not going to go back to bed. I'm going to work out. Right. Now.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Cath, you should have called this am. I too was up at 5. Raised from the bed to see which neighbor cat was harrassing our Chester under our bedroom window. Couldn't go back to sleep either....
    I am in the midst of setting up our garage sale today also. Judi will be over in 30 minutes. Sale is tomorrow. Wish we could combine them. Love you - Mom

  2. First, did you refer to the president of the United States of America as "the big guy?"

    Second, I envy your time. I know I have made my bed and I will happily lie in it, but ooooooh....uninteruppted time? Let me know how it feels!

    Third, sewing? huh?


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