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February 9th

The day after my birthday is always a little anti-climactic... probably because I anticipate my birthday so eagerly for several weeks, wondering what I'll get to do with my day, and awaiting the presents with relish. I love my birthday. Always have, always will.

I think part of the reason I look forward to my birthday so much each year is because of the celebratory atmosphere my Mom always created for our birthdays. Only on that special day did we get a box of Pop Tarts and our favorite sugared cereal - for me it was always Lucky Charms. From the time I woke up until the time I went to bed, I knew it was a special day. I felt celebrated and cherished. And I still want my birthday to feel that way.

So did it? Yes!

I got two bouquets of flowers, tulips from my dear friend Betsey (who moved to Illinois last year) and one from my boss Kathy and my co-worker Ann - a gorgeous mixed bouquet with gerbera daisies and daffodils. Flowers are always good.

The kids bought me two DVDs... the Best and the Worst of American Idol. Okay - secret's out - I'm a big fan. The DVD's are great.

From my Mom and Dad I received some great little gifts - a coffee mug, a decorative coffee cup to hang in my kitchen (the perfect color) and the best present of all - a DVD of my Grandma on her 90th birthday. She died five years ago and I have never sat and watched any of the video my Dad has from her life. I anticipate lots of Kleenex being used as I enjoy the sound of her voice and her laughter and savor the subtle mannerisms that made her such a wonderful Grandma. I can't wait to watch it.

My girlfriends took me out for dinner at a local jazz supper club. I've been hearing about this place for months and finally got to go. Ella's is in a great old historical building in downtown Spokane. They serve wonderful appetizers and have live jazz every night. Other than the embarrassment we experienced whenever the music would stop and one of us was invariably talking really loud to a suddenly quiet room, it was a lovely place to eat. We ended the evening with coffee and cheesecake and American Idol back here at the house.

Asia is taking me out for dinner this weekend and we're going to go buy a new bed. In our 13 years of marriage, we've never had a real bed - only a mattress set on a hollywood bed frame. I'm looking forward to a grown up bed... YAY!

This morning I went downtown to do a little shopping with a gift certificate from one of my girlfriends. I came away with two sweaters and a pair of jeans that were all deeply discounted. I LOVE getting new clothes that I didn't spend a fortune for. Especially when I find great deals from Nordstrom and April Cornell. Great clothes for little money? Can't beat that.

The other thing that makes today a better February 9th than usual? I folded baskets and baskets of laundry yesterday. Usually I try to make my birthday an anti-chore day, but I was desperate for clothes and knew I could get some tv watched if I folded, so I spent about an hour and half attacking the piles. Today it feels so good to have it done. Good for me!

Thanks to everyone for your sweet well wishes and the memories you shared. I felt very loved by all the comments.

Happy February 9th to you all!


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    OMG if I could look 1/2 as good as you do at 37 I will be smiling like that too! You are too dang cute! What a beauty!! Love seeing the pictures of you! Made my day! :)


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