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I love Mondays

I know it's not normal, per se, to love Mondays. But I do. All the bodies that have spent two days messing up the house and carrying things from their lovely spots to spots where they don't belong have left, and I can begin the process of rearranging and re-placing things in their little homes. And it's quiet. I love my family, but I love having the house to myself too - just me and the dog. Can't believe summer is almost here...

I've got a lot on my mind, so I think it's a day for bullet points.
  • Friday night I had a dream. My highschool French teacher took my best friend from highschool and I on the Concorde to Paris for the weekend. (I know the Concorde no longer flies - but it's a dream, people.) Later in my dream, after I'd returned from the City of Lights, I was so thankful to have something to blog about. I've been feeling less wordy than normal and was so glad I had an exciting jaunt to Paris to write about. How disappointing to wake up and realize I really still had nuthin' to relay to my bloggy friends.
  • The weather here has been totally amazing. The kids have been putting on swimsuits and spraying each other with hoses. Fun.
  • We took a family hike last night - about three blocks from our house is a bluff overlooking a huge valley. And in the six years we've lived here, we've walked along the bluff, but have never gone down the side on the myriad of trails that criss-cross the hillside. We did last night though, and I'm in love. It's a beautiful walk through endless wildflowers and wooded areas... we let Gracie off her leash and she led the way as we climbed switch-backs and wandered along well-worn paths. Lovely.
  • I taught a class at the store over the weekend for kids to make a Mother's Day present for their Moms. It was so fun. I had 5 kindergarten girls, a third grade girl and a renegade kindergarten boy. We had a blast. They were so cute. And so focused. Loved their little projects. Hope their Moms love them too.
  • The kids and I went to "Reading Night" at school last Thursday. There were teachers and local celebrities and authors reading books in various locations around the school, and then door prizes, free books for everyone, and pie. Oh, and dancing dogs. Yep, you heard that right. The theme was something like "Pets and Pals" and there was a troupe called "The Ruff Review." People dancing with their dogs. I love my dog. But you all have permission to take me aside and have a little talk with me if I ever start dancing with her. (In public, at least.) I hereby solemnly swear that I will not train my dog to dance. Because really, it just looks stupid. And embarrassing.
  • We're practically going broke from birthday party presents... what is it about April and May that people think they need to have all these babies??? We have had at least one party, most often two, every weekend for I can't tell you how long. I'm about to say *NO MORE PARTIES!* But how do you do that? These are the kids' friends. But geez.
  • I really really love my new Bath and Body works gradual tanning lotion. Not because it's making my legs a lovely shade of tan, because honestly, I can't see any change. We're talking really gradual. But the smell? Oh my heaven! I could just smell myself all day long. And I do. It's one of those magical scents that just hangs lightly on me all day long. And it's just lovely. Really. You should smell me.
  • I got one of my flower beds weeded last week. And got a sunburn on my back in the process. And tore my hands all to shreds on my roses. But the flower bed looks SO nice. I'm dying to get to the garden center to buy some annuals. Maybe tomorrow. SO much to do today...

I'm leaving you with some random shots from the weekend. Oh and the new banner picture... isn't it cool? It totally looks like I messed with it in Photoshop, but that's the actual untouched picture. The sun was setting and shining through the back of the in-focus flower, which somehow really made it pop out of the picture. Amazing.

Enjoy. And enjoy your Monday. Isn't routine good?

Hugs. (Did you smell my luscious lotion there when I hugged you?)


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Wow! You sure got some great photos of everything too. You DO smell great! Am I the only one still waiting for smellivision?

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    You are such an incredible artist - the flowers are are your kids, doesn't that E look like a Carson? If he had long goldish brown hair he could be you at 7...
    Wish that I had had the Paris dream - I could use a vacation even if it was only in my subconcious... I did dream last night but it was so puzzling - I kept telling myself in the dream to remember all the red objects in each room I went into...I woke up quite perplexed. wonder what it means?
    Have a beautiful day.

  3. Oh, Cathy, you have me giggling here. YOu smell deliscious. Don't worry, I won't try to taste.
    Your new blog banner is beautiful. I noticed it right away when I came to visit.
    And here's a fun fact I read... this week is National Wildflower Week. I'm so glad your family saw some on your hike.

  4. That is delicious. I really can spell. I just can't type.

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Look at those ADORABLE children of yours! What a mom you are! Great photos!!

    Sounds like an awesome weekend!

    Mondays are good arent they?

    If something can make you smell that good I may have to get some. I always feel like I smell yucky.

  6. Great pics!! You can thank me for not having a birthday party for Annsley last week. :-)


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