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Special Day x 3

So, of course, as everyone knows, today is Father's Day.

A day to celebrate not only my Dad, but also Asia, the father of my children.

Today is also my parents' anniversary.

46 years.

I clearly remember celebrating my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversaries. It doesn't seem possible that my parents are so close to reaching that milestone. But they are.

I'm proud of them.

I heard one of my kids say the other day that he only knew one other kid in his class whose parents weren't divorced. Can you believe that? When I was a kid, I remember one family who was going through a divorce and it was so hush-hush and unusual. People just stayed married more back then. Now, it's almost unusual to have parents who have stayed married.

So I celebrate today.

I celebrate good Dads.
Dads who love their kids and who strive to be a godly example.
Dads who participate and share and love and give sacrificially.
Dads who love their wives.

And I celebrate marriage.
I celebrate my parents' commitment to each other.
I celebrate their offspring and their offspring's offspring.

I celebrate family.

Thank you, God for my Dad and my husband and my parents' marriage.
I consider all them gifts from You.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Amen. When I think about the tremendous legacy of strong marraiges in our family, it is amazing. As Mom and Dad get close to their 50th wedding anniversary, it comes as no coincidence that both Grandma & Grandpa Young and Grandma & Grandpa Carson made it long past their 50th.

    We just celebrated our 18th anniversary last week, and with that legacy, it seems like (as the song goes) we've only just begun.

    Thanks Mom & Dad for such a great example for us. Happy Anniversary! And happy father's day, too!

  2. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I have thought sometimes of how our eartly fathers influence our view of our Heavenly Father. My own dad had some problems and I had to struggle when I became a Christian because of my impression of what a Father is. Bless you and your family for good examples and Godly men. Happy Father's Day.

  3. Cathy,
    This is such a special entry. I love it. I am reminded of this verse from yesterday: Epehsians 25:5-8: "Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the Church... In this same way, husbands love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself..."

    What an awesome responsibility, but a testimony of a father's lead for his children to seek and desire in their own relationships. It's obvious that your parents had a hand in your marriage, too. And for that, I praise God, too :) I'm so encouraged by your entry this morning. THank you :)


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