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  1. K. just called me from school to tell me they're picking their electives for next year today. At the Junior High. I got all teary eyed when I got off the phone. Junior High? You've got to be kidding me... He was just born!
  2. The weather has been simply divine - in the 60's for several days now. And sunny. It does a heart good.
  3. Stopped by Ross's last night on my way home from the gym... and guess what? They had the Calvin Klein swimsuit I've had my eye on... for $19.99! It was a different color, but it was my size. I tried it on. But I didn't like it. So glad I didn't order it for $94 and then have to send it back. I did find one I liked - Nautica - $16.99. Navy with lime green trim. It's comfy and fits well. It'll do just fine. I really love Ross's. And TJ Maxx. Those are my kind of prices...
  4. I haven't scrapbooked in about 8 months. I've made oodles of class samples. But pages for myself? Nope. I'm getting the urge though. Maybe when all this variety show hooplah is over...
  5. Speaking of the Variety Show - if you're local, it's at 7:00 pm this Thursday. The chickens will be performing - act #40 (which is at the very end - so you could sneak in the back toward 8:00 and catch them...) It'll be worth your while. I can't give too much away, but I'll give you two words: FOG MACHINE.
  6. I'm dying to start garage sale-ing... two Saturdays left of E.'s wrestling matches and then I can start. My boys are desperate for new pants - they've both grown so much over the winter - their pants are up to their ankles. I refuse to buy pants at the store when I know two-buck garage sale pants are within arms' reach.
  7. I need to confess something. I've never read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I know... how did I miss that? (I've never read the Lord of the Rings books either. Gasp!) I've got my copy, thanks to Paper Back Swap, and plan to start reading any day now. (But don't expect me to read LOTR. Not gonna happen.)
  8. Read the story of Samson in my bible last night. A couple things: Why was it so important for his hair to be left alone, but God never addressed his sexual sin? The guy went to prostitutes... (Of course, not in the Sunday School version... but it's right there in black and white.) And it seems to me that Samson didn't really follow God in anything except his Nazarite requirements. This was a guy who followed his passion. And he had lots of passion, apparently. I loved the story of Samson as a little girl. But now, reading it as an adult, I think he's sort of a jerk. Funny that God uses jerks too. And good too, since I can be a jerk, just like the jerkiest.
  9. Jerk is a weird word when you type it over and over again. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. See?
  10. I've got three teams to cheer for in March Madness - which I think makes my odds for cheering for the winner pretty good, eh? Go Ducks! Go Bulldogs! Go Cougs! (I'm such a faker when it comes to sports. Can you tell?)

Happy Tuesday, friends!


  1. Cathy! I'm so glad to hear you got a new suit for a killer price! Makes me want to grab my purse and run out to those great deal stores. Can you watch the girlies for me??

    You are a silly gal regarding "jerk."

    How's this, Go Bulldogs!! Whoop! Whoop!

    (just so you know, I had to google the Gonzaga University to see what their mascot is...)

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Samson is a jerk. But that's the whole point of the book of Judges. Israel was going down the tubes fast, to the point where even their leaders (i.e. Samson) were full of immorality and selfishness. Not really an uplifting story. Not really an uplifiting book.

  3. so are we going to see some video of the chickens?? :)

  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I laughed when I read "I loved the story of Samson as a little girl." Seriously, for a minute I was thinking, "What, I don't remember that story . . . did he cross dress?" and then I realized what you were actually saying. Funny. Funny.

  5. Weather's getting pretty nice here, too and boy does it feel good! :0)

    As for scrapbooking - I took a break for about two months and man did I come back recharged. Have done several layouts in the past few weeks!! Sometimes a break is needed.

    Never thought about Sampson being a "jerk" but it makes sense. I never really "got" this story til now :0)


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