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Getting to know you Wednesday

So today we're going to talk about do-overs.

I was inspired by Susie, who wrote a whole blog post about do-overs this week.

If the magic do-over fairy came and visited you and granted you one do-over for your life, what would you do?

Would you go back to college and change your major?

Would you take back your first kiss?

How about going back to high school and being nicer to the lonely kids?

Would you choose to have children later than you did?

Maybe you'd have travelled more. Or partied less. Or invested earlier.

You get one do-over.

What's it going to be?

As always, I'll choose a commenter (randomly this week) and send you a goody.

This week it's a set of 4 handmade cards. A custom order - just for you.

Have birthdays coming up that you need cards for? I'll make and send you four birthday cards.

Babies popping out everywhere you look? We can do baby cards.

How about just some blank, generic 'thinking of you' sorts? Sure thing.

Whatever you want - I'll create them just for you.

Heck. I'll even make personalized cards. With names and everything.
My creative energy will be channelled into whatever you want.

And - I'll include envelopes. Wow. That's gotta be worth at least a buck fifty, folks.

So comment away. Tell me about your do-over.

You only get one.

So make it good.

Off you go.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Oh my gosh, no one commented on this amazing offer, I sure will. My do over, well there aren't many, but I would have taken a different major in college, my major was radio tv film sales and management . . . big name, no substance! If you choose me, I will email you my info!! Thanks, Jeane

  2. Will I sound really dorky if I say there is really nothing in my life I would like to do over? If I have to say something, and it is the only thing I can think of that wouldn't change anything about my life today - I wish I had been more relaxed in college, had a bit more fun (you see college was my ticket out of "my life as I saw it" and I was all about doing well) - maybe been a bit more adventurous and traveled more when I was younger. That is it though. I love the choices I have made, all be it at times, maybe not the right ones but everything turned out pretty well I would say!

  3. I didn't even have to think about this one. I would have not partied at all and done well in school and went to college. Because now, as a single parent with no degree, my earning potential is next to nil. And perhaps if I had gone to college I would have found out what I wanted to be when I grew up, because I'm 45 and I still don't know. Which isn't to say that life is not good now because it really is, but that is what I would have done differently.

  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    There are so many things that I would do over that it is hard to pick just one. But the one that I really wish is that I wish I hadn't been so selfish and angry in the early days of marriage and would have known how great marriage could be early on instead of waiting several years for the light to click on. Thanks to a loving wife, a counselor and the book Sacred Marriage I know how amazing a marriage can be and what a gift God has given me in my wife.

  5. My do over is something I plan on doing anyways...I wish that I would have travelled in Europe, India,South/Central America, and Africa in my 20's... I just never thought about it and now I crave it and look to meet people who have gone somewhere...I am going to France and Italy with Paul in September...and have dreams to spend my 40's investigating all the places that I read and dream about...should have travelled, hmmm.

  6. OHHHHH I love cards. I always admire the ones my daugher (Michelle D.) gets in her card swap. I can't resist trying to get some of my own. I am one who peeks at your blog and you have pulled me from my "never comment mode"
    My "do over" ........ I would savor each and every moment when my children were young. Instead of always looking ahead and wishing they would sleep all night, sit, walk, talk, be more independent, go to school, etc etc. And then when they were older , I pined for the days of little foot steps, the cuddles, the dandelion bouquets.
    It can still be a struggle, but I try to take each moment where they are at and savor the moment, be present, be grateful for who they are today, the joy they gave me today.
    One can miss such precious moments and memories by wishing for the past and/or the future.

  7. I would have gone out with Don immediately after the toga party, instead of months later on April 1.
    Instead, I dated another guy. Would have saved myself all those months, and we would have "clicked" sooner. Then again, maybe the other dates helped me great ready for Don and appreciate him.
    On second thought, I'll take it just the way it happened.
    Now... that lottery ticket I didn't buy... ;)

  8. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I wish I had never traded my first car - a 1979 Toyota Supra, and that I had never traded my wife's 1985 VW Jetta GL. That way - I'd be driving the same cars forever and my wife would be happy. :) I think you might know who I am.

  9. Anonymous12:24 AM

    I would have finished grad school. :) (Hi, sweet Cathy.)

  10. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I would have retired earlier so I could have had more time with my grandkids by being able to take them alone for a week or so at a time which I couldn't do when I worked.

  11. hmmmm- one do over....I would have majored in something else other than dance. I mean-dance is good, but I feel like that's what I am defined by. There is so many interesting things out there to do.

  12. i'd have not been in such a hurry to get out of school and move out on my own, stayed at home a little longer so that i could afford to work only part time and go to school full time...

  13. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Ah! To do something... just one thing over again. What would it be??? I would have done something different in college. At the time I had NO confidence in myself and no guts to explore all the options. I took the safe route, didn't challenge myself, and regret it now. Now, my biggest challenge is to inspire my children, 2 of whom are of or nearing college age, to go for it and dream big & believe in themselves.

    - Jeanne R.

  14. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Not sure if I am too late but that is okay. Blogger wouldn't let me comment. There are so many do-overs I can think of but this has been in my head since I read your blog yesterday. My do-over would be to have appreciated my mom more. I was 26 when my mom died of a sudden heart attack. There are so many things I wish I would have done and said. I was her youngest and I never got to share my wedding day with her. She never even met the man I fell in love with. So my do-over would be to covet the time I had with my mom.

  15. Cath,
    This is such a loaded question for me.. I have far too many do-over wishes that I am often times haunted by them... you always get me thinking. I just know I could never pick just one.

  16. I would have applied to UCSB- I really wanted to go there but knew my folks' couldn't afford it. Now, I just want to know if I could have been accepted, kwim?

  17. Hmmm...the last few years I've realized that I wouldn't do anything over. There are a few times in my life where I thought if only I had done (this) instead and then realized that my life may have followed a completely different path than the one I am walking on now if I had.

    I wouldn't change my path right now for anything because I've learned so much from my choices...the good and the bad.

    Have you ever seen that movie Mr. Destiny with Jim Belushi? How he wishes he could go back and change that one thing, but then realizes it wouldn't be worth losing his present life. That is where I am at right now! :0)


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