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Here's my happy list:
  • I have a whole week without any classes. I love my job, but it's nice to not have to worry about teaching this week.
  • I got all my shopping for Thanksgiving dinner done yesterday. Today I'll be chopping bread up for stuffing and maybe making a pie...
  • I'm getting the Christmas music out today.
  • It snowed last night!
  • I'm cleaning my house today... love a clean house.
  • Tejan is feeling good. And doing good.

Holiday preparations make me so happy. The smells and the decorations... the fridge piling up with yummy food.

It's a happy week.

I feel like I've got Thanksgiving cooking down to a pretty easy routine. I've cooked every year since we moved to Spokane nine years ago - with the exception of one year when we went out to eat. I've managed to find quite a few recipes that make the whole thing pretty manageable. The only thing that really stresses me out is the gravy. And I think that's just because I always perceived that my mom felt anxious about making the gravy. I don't know if I make good gravy because I don't really eat it... and then there's always the worry about lumps... although I don't think I've ever had lumps in my gravy, there's always the possibility...

I'm making a sweet potato pie this year. I've always wanted to try it. We're having desert with some friends, so I can take it along and share it, since no one else in my house will probably eat it.

I can't wait to give Tejan the drumstick on Thursday. He LOVES chicken drumsticks - it's his favorite reward if we're at the grocery store. But he's never seen a turkey drumstick...

I've got to go get the kids going for school... have a lovely Monday, friends. Love.


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I am so sorry I have handicapped you for life over the gravy making.
    I stress out on it every year. We just don't eat gravy much so the pressure is there when you have a house full of people expecting fantastic gravy for Thanksgiving dinner.
    Got it all figured out this year though -- Lorraine offered to make it !! Sweet gal, thanks Lorraine.
    Wish we could be with you again this year. Maybe next year : )
    What did Tejan think of the snow.
    It has to be a marvelous thing for someone that has never seen it.
    Have a great Turkey Day.
    Love you

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

    PS Forgot to tell you.
    I am trying something new this year. Jackie and I went cranberry picking and I am going to make my own cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving.(Even though we did only get to pick 9 cranberries because the bog was full of water and we didn't bring boots, they were selling them fresh ones there, so we bought several bags) Jackie got her feet soaking wet just picking the 9 berries. But it was a fun trip anyway.


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