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Ten on Tuesday - a return

  1. Kyler is running varsity cross country this year. The varsity team is comprised of the seven fastest runners on the team. Never more, never less. I love the boys on his team so much - they have become a tight knit crew - working together to encourage each other through miles and miles of workouts, weekend trips, practices twice a day and often two meets a week. They spend a LOT of time together. And they're great kids. Two of the other boys have been running with Kyler since seventh grade...  One of my girlfriends posted on Facebook the other day "Going to cross country meets does a lot to restore one's hope in the next generation. Way to go to all those teenagers who inspire others through their fitness, hard work and sportsmanship." I couldn't agree more. I'm so proud of how hard Kyler works - along with all his teammates. I will be VERY sad when he graduates and I no longer have a reason to go to meets...
  2. The Lewis and Clark Tiger Cross Country team is having a mixed year, in terms of results. They're coming off last year's unprecedented performance - when they took second at State, went to Nike Cross Nationals and placed 17th in the nation. That's a lot to live up to. They had 5 varsity seniors who graduated last year - so they're a young team. They're learning a lot and are ALL improving with every race. Kyler has gotten his PR for the three mile down to 16:52... down from 17:26 last season... really proud of him. (That's running 5:37 miles, for those of you who don't want to bother doing the math.)
  3. I run about a 10:00 minute mile on a good day. So yeah, he's almost twice as fast as me. Of course, I'm more than twice his age too.
  4. My half marathon is less than two weeks away. Eek!
  5. Savannah has been playing volleyball. More on that soon. It's really a post of it's own.
  6. Asia is doing well. Stuff at work has been crazy - which unfortunately I can't elaborate on at the moment. But he continues to be an amazing provider in the midst of some pretty crazy work-related stress. I'm so thankful for his commitment to our family and his faithfulness. I'm so blessed.
  7. Ethan is enjoying sixth grade - where he 'rules the school.' Having been at the same elementary school since kindergarten means he knows the ropes... all the staff knows him... and he is soaking in all the privileges that go along with being on the top of the heap in terms of the student population.
  8. I let go of doing the school newsletter at the elementary school at the end of last year after doing it for five years. It was a hard decision, but one I knew was best for our family as we are spread more apart than ever in terms of schools... I knew I would need the freedom to invest myself elsewhere... so I'm not at E's school much at all this year. It makes me sad, but it's a gentle, gradual transition away from our very successful time there. We'll finish out E's last year there and move on with so many happy memories. Plus, this way, I ended my commitment there on a high note, having loved the time I served there instead of doing one last year out of guilt or obligation and not finishing well. (Which I KNOW would have happened had I continued with the newsletter...)
  9. Fall is definitely in the air... with leaves just beginning to be tinged with the faintest oranges and reds... it's so lovely. We had one of the warmest Septembers I remember here - so I won't complain about the sudden turn to cool days and even a bit of rain in the forecast.
  10. Work is going extremely well for me lately - I've added two new job responsibilities in recent weeks - both of which can be done from home. It's about 7 extra hours of work a week - but I enjoy both roles so much. I am continually thankful for a job I love so much - and am SO passionate about.
Happy Tuesday, friends. Smooches!


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Hi, Friend. I have been thinking lately about beginning to blog again. I am working up to it. I thought to check in with yours, first. Gosh, it's nice to peer into your life. I'd really like to sit and talk for a weekend. You have lots and lots going on that I'd love to hear about. We have lots and lots, too. I miss you.


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