- I'm sitting cross-legged on my couch with my favorite blanket and my laptop
- It's 10:13 p.m.
- Asia is watching "Law and Order"
- The kids are asleep all snug in their beds
- I'm wearing jammie pants and a black t-shirt
- The dishwasher is running
- The book I bought tonight at the used book store is sitting on the coffee table
- I'm about to go take a bath and get ready for bed
- My nose is running - I think I might be getting a cold
- I just saw a preview for a new show called "Three Wishes" with Amy Grant - I'm all teary eyed just from the preview
Good morning, peeps. It's Friday. There's frost outside this morning. *FROST!* This week has been ridiculously chilly. I'm having mixed feelings about blogging lately. Mostly because I feel like all I've been doing is whine about being tired. Or overwhelmed. And because comments are lacking. And because I can't seem to think about anything to write about except Tejan. And because some of the thoughts I'm having are too private for the blog - or too repetitive. Or too unformed to turn into actual words you all could understand. So I'm struggling a bit. And yet, I'm committed to documenting the process I'm in. So I'll keep writing when the words come. And when they don't, like this morning, when I looked at that intimidating blinking cursor and my mind went blank and I started to break out in a cold sweat and began by talking about the weather... well, then, I'll just gracefully (or not so gracefully) back out of the room... tail between m...
Favorite Blanket? I would feel so bad if I was thinking that it would be the one I made you and you reply "No, a different one"! I guess life would still go on but I would feel like you were being so stand offish and snooty...hee ! I just had to add that! SMILE!!! Love ya tons! I so get you. You had me a hello!! I'm so cracking myself up right now! I need to get off here. (Brooke will do a snip-it from a film...."Somebody stop me"!!)
ReplyDeleteWell duh - of course it's the one you made me!!!
ReplyDeleteI've thought several times that I should replace it with one that matches my decor better, but then I think "Nah, Brooke made this for me..."
Maybe Brooke could make one that matches my decor better - then I could give this one to the puppy.
BWA-HA-HA-HA... (that's an evil laugh in case you didn't get that...)