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Showing posts from July, 2012

Curb Appeal

We bought our house in 1999... and when we did, the front lawn was lush and lovely. The flower beds were full of 50 year old shubberies. And the previous owner left us a nicely designed array of hoses and sprinklers that we could turn on and off as needed to maintain the landscape. We immediately had the shrubbery taken out, replacing them with some newer, more modern plantings. However, over the years, Asia and I have discovered that neither of us enjoys/wants to do yard work. At all. I certainly don't want to do it if he's not going to do it. He started making the boys do the lawn mowing when they were barely tall enough to reach the handle of the lawnmower just so he wouldn't have to. This led to quite a few years of barely doing anything to the yard. We would water haphazardly... and I would complain that the grass was getting brown. We tried to reseed in places with no success. The two big pine trees out there suck up a tremendous amount of water and gradually...

Blog? What blog?

My laptop quit working several weeks ago. Evidently, I'm not a fan of composing blog posts at our desktop computer. Because I haven't blogged since the laptop died. Add to that the fact that I almost never take pictures anymore with my standard camera (which is misbehaving recently as well) and I'm just not much of a blogger anymore. Add Instagram to the mix, which gives me the ability to cash in on the 'picture worth a 1000 words' adage and I've obviously been wooed away from traditional writing/posting/documenting life via blogging. However, this venue has been such a fun way to archive our journey that I'm still committed to it. Even if I'm just committed to the idea/value of it, it's still there, eh? I guess it's pretty bad when almost every blog post starts with why I haven't been blogging... perhaps I should just get over that and let it be. Post when I'm inspired and stop apologizing/rationalizing not posting... So - in t...