I read an interesting article this morning that has gotten me thinking about living life with others... Asia and I have always tried to be really intentional about being real with folks... putting our faults on the alter of friendship and honestly walking through life without pretending. The truth is - we're madly in love and struggle to love each other. We adore our kids and despair for them in the same breath. We have a lovely home that has piles of junk in every corner and massive dust bunnies hiding under every bed and dresser. We give money away and we spend way too much on selfish desires. I live my life in a body that's at a healthy weight but have a constant driving desire to sabotage my health with unhealthy, temporarily satisfying, non-nutritive junk because I have an addictive issue with food. You see, what you see on the surface is not always what lies beneath. And I don't ever want to pretend that what lies beneath doesn't exist. I sneak choc...