All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
Okay, so we're off in about an hour and a half. I've got the kite, the puzzles and games, the magazines, the camera, the books, the flip-flops and swimsuits, the snacks and the real food... I'm good to go.
Couldn't sleep this morning - I always wake up early when I'm leaving to go somewhere. There are always lists running through my brain. I also really wanted to come write before we left and I knew if I didn't do it before Asia was up, he'd look at me through his eyebrows like I was wasting time when I should be doing something...
We'll meet up with K. there, of course, since my brother and his family will be meeting us there. He's been so cute this week, calling at least once a day, even though he really doesn't have much to say. I've missed his silliness and his big boy presence... he's working so hard to assert his person right now - and I'm beginning to see it... a young man with a very strong sense of self... it's SO interesting to watch him unfold.
I'm feeling like this is going to have to be a rather succinct post - I keep thinking of things I could wax poetic about, but somehow it just doesn't seem fittin' to go there on the dawn of a vacation... like it would be wrong to write some high and lofty post and then desert the blog for over a week. Not that there are that many of you visiting, but it still seems rude to leave you hanging...
I've packed pen and paper. I'll be journaling the old fashioned way in the absence of internet access... instead of a weblog, I'll have a beach log... a chlog.
Cheerio, everyone.
See you there!