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"I'm trying to lose weight..."

No, I'm not going to bore you with my weight issues... that's what my five year old said to me this morning when I told him to put down my set of dumbells... Yes - I have dumbells, and I know how to use them. I used them last night, believe it or not. See, I came home from vacation to a stack of mail that included a DVD I had ordered - "Walk off the Weight" with Leslie Sansone. The name of it makes me cringe and the idea of owning an exercise video is borderline repulsive to me. I see them all the time at garage sales, testaments of high hopes and failure to follow through. But, I bought it, and now I'm going to use it.

You should know - I am not a person who likes to exercise. I am completely a person who begrudgingly forces myself to work out because I know I need to.

I began exercising reularly three years ago, complete with a gym membership and a committment to get up early three days a week. I did REALLY well for about two and a half years, partly due to the fact that I met my girlfriend Mindy there and I knew she would call me if I didn't show up. We took weight training classes, did the eliptical trainer, rode the bikes and lifted free weights... I was fit and disciplined.

Last spring though, Mindy decided to switch days that she worked out - and all my "discipline" went out the window. I was pretty much getting up at 5:30 three days a week to keep her from calling me - and to have her think I was the kind of disciplined woman who would do such a thing. Apparently, I am not, because as soon as I lost the accountability that she provided, I stopped going. Regularly, at least. I would go twice a week, then once a week, then once every couple of weeks, then once a month, and now I haven't been for probably 6 weeks. Ugh. I'm such a slug.

Enter Leslie Sansone - I found out about her from someone on a scrapbooking message board. I read lots of reviews of her DVD's on Amazon, and decided to go ahead and order my own copy.

S. and I did it together last night for the first time. It's a pleasant enough work out that still got my heart working and sweat pouring down my face... it's a little on the easy side, which I plan to adjust with heavier weights and more intense moves... my committment at this point is to do it every day for a month. I put a little star on my calendar last night after we completed it, and plan to have 31 stars in a row.

Wanna hold me accountable?

I don't care if you do. I'm going to do it regardless of who's asking me whether I did it. I'm determined. After the month, I will relax a little - like maybe 6 days a week - and if I'm really crazy busy, I'll allow two days off. I feel like I just need to be really hard on myself and have high expectations in order to really get back into a workout routine.

I just want to be healthy - and firm up some of the loosey goosey skin around my middle.

And as far as my 5 year old wanting to lose weight, I'll be sure to do my best to convince him that he doesn't need to worry about that... he's got the most perfect little boy body on the face of the earth - all soft and golden with his summer tan...

I'll post some pictures of vacation later today. For now I'm off to do laundry.



  1. Ooh, Kelly - I wouldn't want to be responsible for that! =) Doesn't riding the motorcycle count?

  2. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I'll still call you (insert sinister laugh here!)


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