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Saturday Morning

For some reason on the weekend I need the structure of a list.
  • I just looked out the window and had a stare-down with Jack, the squirrel. E. has named every squirrel that frequents our backyard Jack, which I think is nothing short of a stroke of genius. That way we don't have to distinguish whether Jack is the one with the bushy tail or the chubby cheeks - they're all simply "Jack." Last weekend we were at a park and collected about a million acorns to bring home for him - so he's a happy squirrel. I've got almost every single Jack eating out of the palm of my hand.
  • Work was great yesterday - just busy enough that I had plenty of interaction, but slow enough that I was able to accomplish some projects. I rearranged a bunch of product and everything looks so nice... I also had time to finish a class sample. I always love when I can get samples done there - gettin' paid for it is a bonus.
  • S. has her second soccer game this morning. They lost last week - but of course we don't keep score... Bah! Who believes that anyway? Every parent on those sidelines is keeping score. This is her third year playing and they're on a much bigger field this year...with quite a few more players on the field. As it gets more complicated, she just takes it in stride. I'm constantly amazed that my daughter has any athletic ability, since I have none. She's quite a little jock. (Jock-ette?)
  • Once again, I'm anticipating church on Sunday. I really cannot begin to tell you the peace I have about this place and the comfort it brings my battered soul. I know - I know - there is absolutely NO perfect church and I'm sure there is crap there just like everywhere... but I admire the hearts of the staff and the members to be REAL... there just aren't any plastic, pretend-to-be-sanctified people coming up and getting in your face. I'm reveling in the feeling right now - it's truly like a river of consolation to my skritchy, strained and weary heart.
  • I hope to get out today or tomorrow and reseed parts of our front lawn... somehow about a third of it has died - not from lack of watering, mind you. I've watered the begeebers out of it... I think it's just because it's a 50 year old lawn and it's tired. I bought grass seed a couple of weeks ago and just need to turn the soil and spread the seed. Gotta do it soon, before the cold sets in. (Ooh - that last phrase makes me sound very farmers-wife-y... )
  • My cold hasn't really developed into anything, except an annoying runny nose and a headache each morning. Add my monthly woes and I'm pretty pathetic the last couple of days... Asia is very sweet and patient when I'm being a big baby. I just want to curl up on the couch and read and sleep and read and sleep.
  • K. settled into his new classroom with grace and maturity. We had open house on Thursday at the school - his poor teacher seemed to be struggling more with the change than the kids. She'll be fine, but I sure could tell it threw her for a loop to get 8 new kids two weeks in...

Oh - and that darling little brown bundle of all that is cute and wonderful in the world? That picture at the top? She's coming to live with us next Friday.

But SHHHH! The kids don't know yet.


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Yay for you and the puppy!!! What kind of dog is it? He/She is similar colour to our pug but he/she looks larger. Kez saw the dog this am on the computer and was very excited...what a cutie! Can't wait to hear how in love you will be.....the dog was the best decision we made this summer and brings us all so much joy. Good for you and Asia!

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Awwwww! How cute is she!? What a fun surprise! Enjoy church if you end up making it. I love the quote, "Inspiration is like a bath. It doesn't last." I've always felt that way about church. Good luck! BTW, I love you banner!


  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Cathy! This is HUGE news! What a big day that will be when the cutest puppy on earth joins your family. WOW! Me thinks that is a boxer, am I right? If so... talk to me, we have a 3 year old boxer and I have some stories to tell. Congratulations!

  4. Yep - she's a boxer... I'll post more about her tomorrow after the kids find out. We're going to visit her after church.

    Kelly - I can't wait to hear from you about your boxer - email me!!! I hope your stories are good ones...

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Boxers are one of my favorite breeds ever - they need a lot of exercise and they are very strong. I worked for a vet for awhile and he had a beautiful vets like 'em - you should get really strong walking can thank her for the toned body.

  6. The photos on your blog are amazing!

  7. sweet!!! the kids are going to go CRAZY!!! fun, fun, fun!!!


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