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Potty Duty

Okay, I'm up because it's my night to take Gracie out for her last pee of the night before we go to bed. Asia's getting up in the middle of the night because I'm the one who works tomorrow, so I get the last-pee duty. He went to bed about an hour ago. The house is delightfully quiet and dark and I'm trying desperately to get a two-weeks old episode of Grey's Anatomy watched, but the computer keeps calling my name and I'm distracted by blogs and emails and puttering.

I'll be working tomorrow and then heading to Portland early Saturday morning, so there probably won't be a post from me until Tuesday. Unless I take my laptop, which may be a possibility... I'll think on that.

If I do desert you all, please come back. I'm always afraid to go too long without a post for fear that you will all find better blogs to go read. That would hurt my heart. Don't ask me why, because it's sort of pathetic, but it's true. I love all my blog readers. Heaven knows it's easier to talk to you than pick up the phone and actually talk to one of my real-life friends. I thought I would work on that whole business of connecting with real people this fall and have failed miserably... I don't know what my problem is. I'm sure it has to do with self-protection, but I'm too tired to think about it right now.

We had friends over for dinner earlier this week and the wife was asking how changing churches has changed my friendships. I hemmed and hawed... and couldn't really say for certain that it had changed much at all. I don't know if that makes me sad, or not. The people I was friends with before, I'm still in touch with, to some degree. Because of my telephonophobia (yes, it's the correct term, I looked it up...) I didn't talk to my ex-church friends that often, and when I saw them on Sundays, sadly, I was more often worried about feeling included than anything else. In many ways, I feel like my friendships in most cases are better because I don't have the concern about fitting in or competing for attention. God has me in a different place now and I'm fully focused on seeing where He's taking me. My personal feelings about friendship and girlfriends in general have taken a huge backseat to developing my relationship with God. So I think that's all good.

I went and wrote a whole paragraph when I just said I was too tired to think about it. That's what I love about writing. I've always been able to work through stuff much better with pen and paper (or keyboard) than in spoken words or thoughts.

I've been reevaluating lots of things lately, especially concerning my job and my scrapbooking. I go in phases, where I really want to be published, and I submit to magazines like crazy - and then I'll go months where I just don't want to put the energy into it, and I scrapbook solely for myself, with no thought to being published. Now, with the new rules out for the granddaddy of them all - Creating Keepsakes' Hall of Fame contest, I'm thinking a lot again about being pub-worthy in my scrapbooking efforts. It's never good to make decisions when you're as sleep deprived as I've been this week, but at this point, I don't think I'll enter the contest this year. I just can't hack the pressure - although last year, my entry forced me to try all kinds of stuff that I wouldn't have done - and I LOVE the pages I created. Oh who knows? Suffice it to say, I really just want to be stretched as an artist, and there's a fine balance between letting goals stretch me and allowing them to stress me out... I haven't figured out what tips the scales for me yet. I've been so out of touch with my creative side this week - I'm totally uninspired. There's nothing tipping the scales at this moment because they're completely empty and limp, like a banana peel discovered in a lunch box after a long weekend. Yuck. Again - not a good time to make a decision.

Okay - that metaphor totally wore me out. Now I have a headache.

'Night all.


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Okay, this is frightening. I could have written this entry word for word. It is just weird that you would write down many of the same things regarding friendships that I've been mulling over in my mind. And, about the blog things (your 3rd paragraph), THAT IS MY FEAR. Are we pathetic? I don't know. All I know is that the blog and the readers have become an intergral part of my life and I fear that if that changes, it will leave me feeling empty and alone. Have a super weekend. I, for one, will anxiously await your return.

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    We are all becoming a whole bunch of "hermits" I think and this phone thing ! Around here when it rings both of us run to see who is calling so if it isn't for you, you don't have to answer it. How sad is that! If we need to make a call we always wait for the other person to call or we just e-mail. What is happening to our personal contacts??? It is so easy to sit down and type out a comment or question...the emphasis of our Womens Ministry Team (which I am on)this year at church is women encouraging women. You know the pick up the phone and call, invite someone to lunch for no reason, drop a real snail mail in the box telling someone you appreciate them. I can't believe how challenged I am by that. Don't know why. I love to crawl back in my warm cozy house and pet my kitty while watching tv with my hubby. But there are advantages to having people over too because then my hubby's corner gets straightened up ( and I must admit my desk and corner by my chair also get cleaned out. So I guess I need to bite the bullet and get busy and take on the challenge. I do enjoy people, it's just making that initial contact that is my stumbling block.
    Gotta go - Thanks Cath, good blog today.

  3. I understand.
    I dislike turning my art into a competition- that seems to defeat the pure purpose of art, to express the invisible intangibles of this life.

    I've never come out of a contest having really Enjoyed myself, so I can relate to what you say here.

    There are other ways of stretching yourself creatively, and I'm sure you'll find them.


  4. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I have two theories as it relates to this isolation thing....
    One is that God has sped up 24 hrs and what used to be "doable" in 24 hrs is not. Why you make friends with bloggers is that you are exposed quickly to the heart of someone and don't have to do that friendship dance, etc. We do not have enough time in the day anymore to be "feeling" each other out for depth of relationship.
    The other is that we are so starved for human contact that we od.....I hate the phone, because for a couple of years I was on the phone almost 3-5 hours a day - trapped in my house with toddlers and "reaching out" to others - raising my children with a handheld....weird, and not healthy - so now I am extreme in my response to the phone just like you, Mrs. Carson, I check it and decide if it would be easier to email or play phone tag. It is creepy, but I realize I do not have the energy to invite more people into my life.
    I have to pray every time I have to return a call that God will give me wisdom in my response - to be warm and yet cautious on how much I can give.
    I like that you brought this to the surface Cathy - keep pushing there.

  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Gosh, you make me feel like a old grandma or something :)
    You are old enough to call me Dee now. Forget the Mrs stuff OK
    Love you

  6. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I enjoy calling you that because it makes me feel like a school girl....I 'll try Dee - but it could be a painful reminder to how old I am getting...I do call Sheila Moxley "Sheila" now, but it hurts....bad....

  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Giggle - I know you are in Portland, but I wanted you to know that I am visiting your blog waiting for your return! Here's hoping you are having a great time with your friend.

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Giggle, giggle,
    Here I am too. Monday morning and I know you arent' back yet but just thought I would check in case you got home early or something.


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