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Christmas eve eve eve

The chores are done, the kids are sitting on the floor playing a board game and the Christmas music is playing. Gracie is laying on S.'s back, all snuggled in for a morning nap. I'm about to begin assembling my Christmas cards so they can go in the mail today. That way at least the people who live nearby will get them by Saturday. The rest, well, they'll get there next week.

Having the kids home for Christmas break is interesting. I always have high hopes that we'll do projects together, make crafts and bake, do some deep cleaning and perhaps cuddle up together to watch movies on our snuggly couch. So far, that hasn't happened. We did get some Christmas shopping done the other day - they buy gifts for each other at the dollar store and wrap them up themselves. And yesterday we were able to go hang out with some friends and watch Christmas movies. But the idyllic "family time" stuff doesn't really happen the way I envision it. Unless I really make efforts to pull us all together, they find ways to keep themselves occupied and I have a tendency to steal away by myself when they're all happy and busy.

We're usually traveling for at least five or six days during the Christmas break - so this year with two full weeks at home seems L-O-N-G. I may have to dive into my bag of tricks and force some projects together just so we're all kept busy. It's always fun after the fact, it's just motivating myself to initiate it that is the challenge.

If Santa brings me the camera I'm hoping for, one thing we'll do together next week for sure is set up a little photography studio and practice taking pictures of each other. The older two especially seem to have an eye for photography - I'm amazed at their natural ability to compose shots. That will be fun. Assuming I get the camera. Even if I don't, I suppose we could do it with the old one...

If it stops raining (yes, it's raining, and the snow has become a terrible mushy melty mess) we may go do some letterboxing. Letterboxing is like old-fashioned geo-caching. All the fun without the technology. We've gone out several times and it's always fun. The kids love searching for the boxes and it gets us out of the house.

Bing is calling out to me. I'm going to put on White Christmas and start addressing.

Happy three days before Christmas, everyone.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Ooooo..... a new camera huh??? I hope you get it :)

    I think that us gals should figure out a way to get together in 2006.. truly, if I could actually meet some of you I think I would just flip with joy! I feel like we truly do get to know each other thru the world of blog. It is the best gift I have been given in 2005!

    Anyway, I am getting too mushy once again. Merry Christmas to you my friend. Love and Hugs to you and yours! Tawnya

  2. What is letterboxing and what is geo-caching? Hmmmm, have I been missing out?

    Wow, I never knew what I was missing out on by having an electric garage door opener. You know....the kind that open up automatically....anytime. (Wink, wink)

  3. Hey Min - you can click on the link and get a website that explains letterboxing. It's SO fun... I'd love to go with you and the kids sometime.

  4. The link isn't working. Neither is the one for the Yumm Sauce. Now I really want to know what it is!!


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