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Mary's Song
by Luci Shaw

Blue homespun
and the bend of my breast
keep warm this small hot naked star
fallen to my arms.
( who have had so far
to come.)
Now nearness satisfies
the body of God sweetly.
Quiet he lies
whose vigor hurled
a universe.
He sleeps
whose eyelids have not closed before.

His breath
(so slight it seems
no breath at all)
once ruffled the dark deeps
to sprout a world.

Charmed by dove's voices,
the whisper of straw,
he dreams,
hearing no music from his other spheres.

Breath, mouth, ears, eye
she is curtailed
who overflowed all skies,
all years.
Older than eternity, now he
is new.

Now native to earth as I am,
nailed to my poor planet,
caught that I might be free,
blind in my womb
to know my darkness ended,
brought to this birth
for me to be new-born,
and for him to see me mended
I must see him torn.

Thanks to my friend Suzie for posting this on her blog.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Thank you for sharing this, Cathy. it was very moving and thoughtful. It reminded me of when you sang "Breathe of Heaven" at our church's Christmas concert while you were pregnant with K. The whole idea that God became a helpless little child dependent upon the love and care of Mary is so overwhelming.


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