We're so pathetic around here.
I've been painting non-stop for three days. Tonight when I was washing out my tools for the last time, my right hand cramped up so that my pinky and ring fingers were totally bent in towards my palm and I couldn't for the life of me open them back up. So weird. It was as if my hand was saying "Okay, I'm DONE!"
My shoulders hurt, my legs are sore and the veins on my hands are sticking out so far they remind me of some guy who's been pumping iron. I haven't been this exhausted since I gave birth to E. six years ago.
Asia pulled a calf muscle today playing tennis. He's literally hobbling around the house, unable to put any weight on his right leg. He said he heard it "pop." Yuck.
K. is running a fever. 102 degrees. He's been lying on the living room floor all day in his sleeping bag reading books and watching tv.
E. is finally starting to feel better, after three days of fever, runny nose and a cough.
Only S. has been spared, and is struggling valiantly to keep the house running smoothly, running from person to person, helping out however she can. She's a sweet and merciful little nurse.
Fortunately, I should be better after a bath and a good night's sleep. It's a good thing, because tomorrow I have to move into my new studio and get it organized... we're having company over for dinner Tuesday night and I really want to have everything out of the kitchen.
Such a crazy weekend... fortunately, even though we're afflicted, our spirits have remained high and we've all been getting along just fine. I'm thankful for that.
I have a sense of accomplishment too about all the work we've managed to fit into a weekend, which makes me happy.
How is everyone doing? Seems like it's been quiet around here.
I know I promised pictures of S.'s room, but I'm too tired to do it tonight... maybe tomorrow. TTFN!
I've been painting non-stop for three days. Tonight when I was washing out my tools for the last time, my right hand cramped up so that my pinky and ring fingers were totally bent in towards my palm and I couldn't for the life of me open them back up. So weird. It was as if my hand was saying "Okay, I'm DONE!"
My shoulders hurt, my legs are sore and the veins on my hands are sticking out so far they remind me of some guy who's been pumping iron. I haven't been this exhausted since I gave birth to E. six years ago.
Asia pulled a calf muscle today playing tennis. He's literally hobbling around the house, unable to put any weight on his right leg. He said he heard it "pop." Yuck.
K. is running a fever. 102 degrees. He's been lying on the living room floor all day in his sleeping bag reading books and watching tv.
E. is finally starting to feel better, after three days of fever, runny nose and a cough.
Only S. has been spared, and is struggling valiantly to keep the house running smoothly, running from person to person, helping out however she can. She's a sweet and merciful little nurse.
Fortunately, I should be better after a bath and a good night's sleep. It's a good thing, because tomorrow I have to move into my new studio and get it organized... we're having company over for dinner Tuesday night and I really want to have everything out of the kitchen.
Such a crazy weekend... fortunately, even though we're afflicted, our spirits have remained high and we've all been getting along just fine. I'm thankful for that.
I have a sense of accomplishment too about all the work we've managed to fit into a weekend, which makes me happy.
How is everyone doing? Seems like it's been quiet around here.
I know I promised pictures of S.'s room, but I'm too tired to do it tonight... maybe tomorrow. TTFN!
Tell Asia I feel his pain. I did what sounds like a similar thing playing racquetball a few years ago. I thought my partner had whacked me in the back of my calf with his racquet, it hurt so bad. It took 4 to 6 weeks to heal. I did go see the doctor and he said if I had torn something worse then it would have required surgery to re-attach, but that if that had happened I would have felt the tendon or something all balled up at the bottom of my calf instead of just feeling pain.