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It's my birthday.

So in celebration, I'm going to post thirty seven random happy memories from my thirty seven years on earth.

If you get bored around number twenty, you're more than welcome to leave. But I'd be happier if you posted one of your favorite memories from my thirty seven years in the comments section. That would make me really happy.

Okay, here goes.

  1. This morning when K. came into my room and said "How do you like your eggs? Scrambled or cheesy omelet?"
  2. The summer I spent in California with my brother when I was sixteen. It was the last summer he was single and we spent our weekends together enjoying all that Southern California has to offer... very fun.
  3. Sneaking into the senior lawn in the middle of the night with all my high school girlfriends to spray paint a huge "87" on the lawn. We had to take ladders to get over a huge covered outdoor hallway - so sneaky and fun.
  4. Sleeping on the beach in San Diego with my friends Paul, Corey and Al.
  5. Nursing my babies. I loved the snuggly closeness and their warm little bodies next to me and the sweet little sounds they made.
  6. Living with LaChel at 1313 Lincoln #206 - my first apartment.
  7. Buying my first car - my parents' old '82 VW Rabbit. I named it John.
  8. Cheering for my high school basketball team at the State tournament. What a thrill.
  9. Becoming an aunt. I adored each and every one of my sweet baby nephews and nieces.
  10. All my weekend getaways with Brooke. No one makes me laugh so hard or understands me so well. Love ya, girlie!
  11. Being asked to junior prom by John Boelling. I had hoped for weeks that he would ask me. The prom was on my 17th birthday (twenty years ago!)
  12. When K. woke me up one night (he was just a toddler) to tell me "I'm not a pumpkin."
  13. Watching "What's Up Doc?" with my Dad. We've watched it gazillions of times together, and he always starts laughing way before the funny parts come... especially right before they drag Eunice from the ballroom and her heels go squeeking across the floor. I love it when he gets the giggles.
  14. Riding the three-wheeler out at Grandpa Carson's. While it's a miracle none of us suffered head trauma from never wearing a helmet, the hours and hours we spent zooming around the woods are some of my best childhood memories.
  15. My elementary school. The wood. The library with it's card catalogs. The gym. The lower field. The teachers. All great memories.
  16. The afternoon we went to meet Gracie. Sunshine, ten puppies and the promise of a new family member - it was a perfect day.
  17. Going to Disneyland. Wow - if ever there was an ideal family vacation - that was it.
  18. Corey - all our sleepovers and hours on the phone - watching God move in each of our hearts - the laughter and tears - the security and loveliness of having a best friend for 32 years - here's to you, friend.
  19. My Monday morning chats with my Mom on the phone. For years we would talk every Monday because that was her day off... she was my lifeline all those years when I was home with needy babies.
  20. My summers at Green Oak Ranch - the hard work of being a wrangler and the bonus of being able to ride horses every day. The rewarding work of counseling kids who have never been to summer camp.
  21. Our wedding day. It's so fun to have so many people you love all in one place - and then to get married on top of it all - so cool.
  22. Going to Manzanita every summer with Steve, Lorraine and the boys. Love the relaxed times we share there.
  23. Buying this house - God was so good to provide it for us. I remember being totally overwhelmed with thankfulness when we found it.
  24. When E. was born and the whole room went quiet... I was so worried. "What's wrong?" I asked. Asia responded, "He's HUGE!!!" Eleven pounds, four ounces huge. Our whole stay in the hospital, total strangers would knock on the door and ask if they could see the eleven pound baby. So funny. He had his fifteen minutes of fame before he was even a day old!
  25. Finding out I was having a girl. I actually clapped when the doctor told me.
  26. Having Ryan live here. What an enriching experience for our family and a friend for life...
  27. Car vacations as a child. Getting up super early and eating cereal out of a box, stopping for lunch out of the cooler at a rest area and then swimming at the hotel and going out for dinner. Getting up the next day and doing it all over again.
  28. Singing on the worship team at the ex-church. Wow - we had some great fun making great music and worshipping God together.
  29. Taking pregnancy tests. I loved the anticipation and the good news every time.
  30. Being at my Grandma and Grandpa Youngs house. The laughter and the popcorn and Grandma's wrinkly hands. I was blessed with many years with my wonderful grandparents on both sides and I have so many wonderful memories of them all.
  31. Being in Montana with Asia's brother. I love visiting them. Montana is God's country.
  32. Countless summer days as a child - running free in the endless woods behind our house.
  33. Living in San Jose - taking quick jaunts up to San Fransisco, and being within a half hour of Santa Cruz - being single and carefree and having so many fun things to do. And the flea markets - forget about it! Wonderful flea markets...
  34. Taking long walks with Asia when we were first married. Lots of long walks around Amazon Park.
  35. Watching my brother Ken dance to Sting in college.
  36. Playing train with the chairs as a child whenever my Mom mopped.
  37. Going to Paris for our tenth anniversary. I have the sweetest husband.

So there you go.

I'm feeling pretty darn blessed after writing that list...

Happy Birthday to me.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    aw those were fun memories to read! have a great birthday cathy!

  2. Happy Birthday! What great memories. And it was very nice of autosuzie to remember!

  3. happy birthday cathy! #9 is my favorite - i am an aunt myself. no kids yet, so i looove being able to "borrow" and "give them back". ;)

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Happy Birthday!
    Hope you have a great day!

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Teee Heeee, heeee hawww, snicker snicker, teeeeee heeeee, ......

    "It came out of the faucet that way" ..........

    Wipe the laughter tears from your eyes .....

  6. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Happy Birthday
    Are you scrapbookng any of these entries??
    What great material to have preserved in your scrapbooks. It is a natural. Add a few pictures and your journaling is all done. I know you already did a Me book but this is such an insight into who you are. Your grandchildren would be blessed to read these sort of things sone day. (Yes, you will have grandchildren someday - it comes quicker than you think it will)

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I think my very favorite memory with you is the night you and I spent together upstairs at Grandpa Youngs house the day Grandma Young passed away. Your Dad was not able to be there that night and we slept in the twin beds upstairs and we talked ALL night. I mean literally all night. It would get quiet for a few minutes and then someone else would bring something up about G'ma. I can't remember what all we talked about or how we even found so much to say but it was a very, very special night for me. It was just exactly what I needed that night and I will be forever grateful for God giving us that time together. I just remember that it was getting light and we were still talking. Did we ever go to sleep - I can't remember.
    Love you - Mom

    PS I think one of your Dad's favorites would be the day at church when you were little and were getting noise and he kept telling you to be quiet and when you didn't, he tried to take you out of the service and you stuck your little fingers in the holes on the back of the pew that held the used communion cups and hung on for dear life hollaring " I don't want to go downstairs - over and over" I think you knew you were in big dodo if he took you out. He still talks about that to this day.

  8. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Happy Birthday Cathy!!

    Great list. One of my favorites is living in your first apartment. I had some great times living with some great friends before I got married. I love flea markets too.


  9. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Oh, how embarassing that my horrible dancing made your top 37 list. My dancing has improved in all these years. Last night in our ballroom dance the teacher was trying to teach the Rumba, which requires we do those "Cuban" moves. I don't move very Cuban, I'm afraid!

    Happy Birthday, Cathead!

  10. Happy Birthday Cathy! So great to read all your memories! Here's to many more!

  11. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Happy Cathy Carson Day!
    A global holiday for me - because I live in another country now...hope your day is awesome!Hmmm, my favorite memories....probably can't repeat to many because they are so embarassing for both of us - one that I tell my children often is our beach day with a wildfire in the dunes and you and I running down the road with no clothes on by the fire truck....remember? we were probably just 12...It was such an innocent fun that we would have and all the trouble we caused...getting kicked out of the AWANA program at church...I think we were quite "ballsy" - I stand in wonder at the spray paint and TP at the highschool - we were not vandals and so creative...I think that you and I instigated lots of crazy mischievious fun that was quite innocent and very cheers to you on this your day and do something crazy/wild for me will ya?

  12. Happy Birthday, Cath!! I'm too tired to think of my favorite memory of you, but I'm looking forward to tonight!!!

  13. Anonymous6:52 PM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Big HUGS to you my friend! Wish I could spend it with you! You are seriously so stinkin sweet and I feel so blessed to be able to get to know you through this whole silly blog world. You are an incredible gal and I look forward to getting to know you more! I think my favorite memory of you would have to be a night last week when I was stressed out and PMSing I needed some quiet good reading and I went to your blog and read many many entries you had throughout this blog and I laughed, I cried and I smiled... it was exactly what I needed in that moment that made me connect... it is always good to connect! Love Love Love your stories!

    Hugs, and Happy Birthday to you again! :) Tawnya

  14. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I love the reference to Disneyland, all the references about your grandparents, and nursing your children. I feel the same way you do. This is such a great idea, I turned 38 last month, now I'm making a list too. I'm glad Suzanne pointed out your blog. :) Thank you, and happy birthday!


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