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Monday Shmonday

There are about a million things I want to do this morning, not the least of which is to get into my studio and clean. Ugh - it's a disaster in there. But my mind is full of random thoughts that I want to get bulleted. ( Not a verb, you say? - Well, it's my blog, and I'm making it a verb.)

Off we go:
  • We took the kids to a huge indoor water park yesterday - just to get out of the house and have some fun family time. I've been fighting some major cabin fever these last few weeks. It was over in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, which is one of the prettiest places in the world. However, as I discovered, not all of the people in North Idaho are beautiful. There are quite a few 'backwoodsy' types there. (Can you say in-breeding?) And I think they were all at the water park. Needless to say, I got some prime people watching opportunities.
  • I saw more man-boobs than I ever want to see in my whole life, folks. We're talking full B-cups. Somebody really needs to invent some sort of politically correct way for these men to harness those babies! (please, for the love of God!)
  • I need to stay far away from scrapbook stores. I've been really feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of supplies I have, and yet, when I go to a store and see all the latest and greatest, I just have to buy it. Need it? Absolutely not... it's sickness, I tell you. A sickness.
  • I was able to scrapbook ALL day on Saturday. I made the most fabulous chipboard album full of all the pictures and goodies I got on my trip to CHA in Vegas. It's SO fabulous, I can't stand it. I've had to look through it dozens of times. I just can't get enough of it. LOVE LOVE LOVE when I adore a project like this. It really makes me happy. I'll try to post pictures later...
  • Today is *my brother Ken's birthday*... shout it out with me, Happy Birthday, Ken! (Your card is in the mail. For real. It should get there today or tomorrow.)
  • I've been dying to see "Pride and Prejudice" since it came out on dvd - but every time I go to rent it, it's all gone... I'm dying here, people!!! I did rent "Walk the Line" but we haven't had time to watch it yet. Probably tonight. I really want to see P & P though. REALLY.
  • I'm reading "The Year of Magical Thinking" by Joan Didion right now. It's a very sad memoir of a woman whose husband died, and how she dealt with her grief. Great writing.
  • We recorded the Academy Awards and watched the whole three hour deal in about an hour... there was some really funny stuff to see - and some really pretty dresses. My shout-out goes to Reese Witherspoon, who had the prettiest dress of all time. And hey - don'tcha think she should have gotten her Oscar already for those Legally Blonde movies? Oh well - at least she has one now. Oh, and Jennifer Aniston's necklace was to die for, people.

So that's it for now. I'm off to clean my studio. Really, it looks like a hurricane went through. Like I said, I scrapbooked all day Saturday - and there's crap everywhere to prove it. I like to blame it on the artiste in me... she's a real messy chick!

Happy *Ken Carson day* to you all.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    OK, show us your stuff girlie!!! Dont hold back I just have to see it! I cant wait to see it! SHOW US SHOW US SHOW US .. please :)

  2. Cath, I read The Year of Magical Thinking last month because it came so highly recommended. I thought she was a fabulous writer, but I'm just not in a place right now (thank goodness) where I needed it. I think it is a better read if you have recently lost someone very close to you. It was still a wonderful book, and I have the feeling I'll come back to it at some point in the future.

    By the way, besides the inbreeding, did you like the water park?

  3. Kelly - yes, of course I watched Seinfeld - and I remember the Bro. But that's an imaginary show, Kel. I need a real life solution

    Tawnya - your wish is my command. Pictures are posted.

    Mind - I ended up not swimming at all - it just wasn't worth spending the money to go down a couple of water slides and then sit and watch. The kids LOVED it - K. kept saying "This is the best day of my life!"

    I know - we need to get him out more often.

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    WHAT are you talking about? Of COURSE it's not imaginary. Saying that is like telling me Buffy isn't real either. I mean, C'MON, Cath.

    You just need to market your own Bro.


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