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Useless questions and answers for you to read.

Found this on my new friend Ronni's blog and thought it was a fun set of questions... you may not agree, but it's my blog.

1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A SECOND HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Manzanita, Oregon. We rent a beach house there every summer. I love the quaint atmosphere of this tiny coastal town and would love to spend weekends there regularly. Or even the whole summer... wouldn't that be wonderful?


3. THE LAST CD YOU BOUGHT? I bought four new ones all at once recently. Sara Groves, Nicole Nordeman, Five for Fighting, and Ginny Owens.

4. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Generally around 6:30 or 7:00.

5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE KITCHEN APPLIANCE? My new Jenn-Air refrigerator. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. The freezer on the bottom is the best thing in the world - and the french doors? So cool. I even love the handles. And the floating glass front that prohibits the accumulation of magnets... so wonderful!

6. IF YOU COULD PLAY AN INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I play piano and years ago could play clarinet, flute, and oboe. I would LOVE to learn how to play the guitar.

7. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SPORTS CAR OR SUV? I love my SUV. Sports cars are too small.

8. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER DEATH? Absolutely. And I can't wait to get there.

9. FAVORITE CHILDREN’S BOOK? The Monster at the End of This Book (I know, great literature...)

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Spring. But fall runs a very close second.

11. WHAT’S IN THE TRUNK OF YOUR CAR? Nothing. I don't have a trunk.

12. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SUSHI OR HAMBURGER? I've never had sushi. I don't really like hamburger, but will eat it.

13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER? Tulips. Pink ones. I love how they curve over the side of a vase... so pretty.


15. POPCORN? Oh my goodness - I LOVE popcorn. I usually try to be good and have the 94% fat free, but I really love it popped in my WhirlyPop with lots of butter.

16. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? Green - all shades.

17. WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU DRIVE? 2003 Chevy Trailblazer EXT.

18. FAVORITE SANDWICH? A reuben with lots of sauce. But I also really love BLTs.

19. HOW MANY PETS DO YOU HAVE? 2 - A boxer named Gracie and a fish named Billy Bob.

20. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Astoria, Oregon

21. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Tennis. My husband has brainwashed me.

22. FAVORITE TV SHOW? Right now, it's Grey's Anatomy.

23. FAVORITE MOVIE? The Sound of Music. Other movies may come and go but I will never get tired of watching Captain Von Trapp and Maria fall in love.


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Let's see: Reubens and tulips are also my favorites. You Carsons must have popcorn encoded into your DNA. And I would also build a second house at the beach. You already KNOW I'm learning guitar! Isn't it fun to find things in common? And with such fabulous people? =o) I hope you're having a great week, Cath.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Tulips are beautiful! Any house at the beach would work for me :) Ok so you know you rock right? Ok good! Love ya. T

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Wow, we have a lot in common! Tulips, my favorite! Love, love, love popcorn! Your new cd's? I am listening to three of them on right now! Lots more too, but I have to go do some houswork now. :(

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Awww thanky for the backlink! :D

    Grey's huh.... McDREAMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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