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Just woke up from a nap. Yep, at 10:45 am.

I was awake again at 3:30. Praying for Africa, although I'll admit, this morning my prayers were a little more delirious as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I must have fallen back asleep fairly quickly, but then was awakened by S. coming in my room to tell me that Gracie's tummy was making funny noises.

So up at 5:30 to start the day. I'm hoping the funny noises coming from the dog were just a function of her dinner last night. We ran out of dog food yesterday and I had to feed her a concoction from the fridge instead of her normal kibble.

UPS tells me the food will come today. Silly high maintenance dog. You think gas is expensive? You should try buying a bag of her food. Geez.

Asia and I have been enjoying evening walks after dinner lately. The kids are now old enough to be left alone for periods of time and we're loving the chance to connect each evening and give the dog some exercise. It's really lovely. Of course it doesn't hurt that every yard in our neighborhood is coming alive with color and everything is so beautiful right now. But we're able to go watch the sunset too, which I love.

I made it to the post office yesterday. I don't know why I am so anti-post-office. The man who usually helps me there is really friendly. It's right in my neighborhood. It's never particularly expensive. But in my mind, going to the post office ranks up there with having a colonoscopy. (Okay, I've never had one, Noseys, but I've heard...) Anyway - I went yesterday and got two way overdue packages sent. Good for me. I felt like the whole day was a screaming success just because I tackled the mailing of the packages.

Hey, here's something.

You really should watch Oprah today. She's having the filmmakers who created Invisible Children on... Watch, 'kay?

Alrighty then.
I should do something.
Not sure what, but I'm fairly certain there's something.

Be blessed.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    You should talk to Mark about the children of Africa sometime. One of the highlights of all his years in over there was the orphanages. He spent quite a lot of time there.
    Did you know he had an little orphan baby named after him that was found on the steps of the orphanage I think. His pictures are so precious.

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    It's the smell.

    In the post office. Seriously. I think that's it.

    Oh and also those ropes that they make you walk in even when there isn't a line.

    And that dingy, weird, grayish color.

    and the smell.

    I consider going to the P.O. and getting something mailed a *huge* triumph, not just in my day, but in my week!

    So Congratulations friend!


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