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Untitled, in an effort to avoid scaring you away.

Good Monday morning to you all.

The kids are back in school. Spring break was good. Poor E. was terribly disappointed that he had to go back to school - I think he thought spring break was summer - he fully argued with me that the break was supposed to be much, much longer.

Can you believe Easter is now less than a week away? How did that happen? I managed to find an easter dress for S. at Ross while we were in Astoria... it's not anything special - but it was $6.00 and it's new, so that's good. She's not much of a dress wearer (as in she NEVER wears them) so I couldn't see spending $40 on something she's only going to wear once. The boys can wear their matching shirts from last year. Me? Who knows. Nobody's looking at me anyway.

This will be the first easter in years and years that I haven't had to be at church at the crack of dawn to prepare for the musical presentation. I'm SO looking forward to going to church with my family. Well, I guess that's not entirely true, since last year we had already left the ex-church by easter... but I honestly can't remember anything about going to church last year. I remember it rained a lot and we hid eggs inside for the kids - but the actual easter service at whatever church is washed from my brain apparently. I must have been in too much emotional turmoil or something... leaving the ex-church was still pretty traumatic at that point, I think.

Asia and I got to go out to dinner on Saturday. We originally wanted to go to Gordy's but found the place closed. Ah well. So it goes with family owned restaurants on spring break, I guess. We sort of hemmed and hawed and drove around and ended up at an Spokane standard - Sawtooth Grill. I had a fantastic iceberg wedge salad with a cup of curried butternut squash soup. Yum. It was good to reconnect with my wonderful husband after being gone most of the week.

I did the requisite bathroom stop on the way out of the restaurant. I hate having sticky hands and restaurant tables always feel a little sticky to me. While in the bathroom, I decided that there is an inventor who has gone unnoticed and unappreciated for years and years and years. Do you have any idea who invented the flushable toilet seat cover? Neither do I. And that, my friends, is a shame - because I believe this little sheath of waxy paper with the innovative punch-out hole in the middle is one of the most important and clever inventions ever. Sure, it's great that it protects your butt from the butt-leavings of all the other people who happened into the same stall as you - but the real genius of this little wonder? The fact that the little punch-out middle hangs down into the toilet and magically goes right down the pipe when I flush. I LOVE THAT!!! Honestly - it's not only convenient, it's a marvel of modern design. Whoever thought of it should be very rich.

When we went to Paris, we flew out of O'Hare. (I almost lost Asia there, but that's another story for another day.) The real news out of O'Hare is the toilet seat covers. There are no 'first pull up, then pull down' dispensers on the wall at O'Hare. Each toilet has it's own magical casing of plastic that comes out and around the toilet seat. It's automatic, and a little scary. I didn't like it. First of all, who's to say it's not just the same roll of plastic rotating around and around on the seat, so that every tenth butt is sitting on the same section of plastic? And I don't like that it's clear. And there is no satisfying feeling of watching the toilet suck down your own personal seat protector. No. You can keep your fancy, high-tech seat covers, O'Hare.

And besides - there was no sign at the airport that said "provided by the management for your protection." I always get a bit of a warm fuzzy when I read that.


The interesting thing about blogging is that it's this written record of the way my brain works. And you all come and read it.

Aren't you glad you came today?

Happy Monday, friends.


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Hey, I read that when you go into a public bathroom, the cleanest stalls are the ones closest to the door because most people avoid those and go further down. I always did since I figured everyone used the first stall.

    Be especially using public restrooms in hospital ER's. That's all I'll say on the subject.

  2. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I am glad I came to visit because you inspire me each time. I always take something away. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Just be glad you live on this side of the US. The last time we went back to Wisconsin on vacation any sign of seat covers disappeared in many other states.
    It is difficult to balance two little strips of toilet paper one each side without one or the other side slipping off into the stool or onto the floor before you can turn around and sit down. Bummer! I do agree that the inside pulling it down as you flush is a COOL thing. I'm with you - I love toilet seat covers.


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