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American Idol funny

I went to the eye doctor this morning, and my eyes are still dilated from the drops. The lady at my contact fitting said she'd never seen eyes so dilated. Apparently I have very special pupils. I can barely see, everything is so bright.

Just had to make a quickie post and share this funny thing I saw over at 2 peas. It's a recipe for writing an American Idol finals song... you know - the smarmy 'first release' song each finalist sings as their last song? Last night's were worse than ever, but I have to say, Taylor made it his own and really did amazing stuff with what he was given.

Anyway - here you go. Totally made me laugh.

RECIPE FOR AN American Idol FINALS First Single:

1 cup Celine Dion
1 cup Mariah Carey
1 cup Whitney Houston (1980's vintage, must be MSG and Bobby Brown free)

Mix these three ingredients thoroughly, then set aside in a warm place until it attracts fans.

Meanwhile, take:

200 Hallmark cards (no Shoebox Greetings)
100 High School Yearbook signings (preferably in rhyme)

and mix in a blender set to "Crappe". Add to above mixture.

Finally, stir in 1 teaspoon of Michael Bolton (must be added slowly, we recommend gloves), 1 recording of any school choir singing "The Rose," and a dash of Seacrest extract.

Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. Serve with Gospel Choir.

Can't wait to see the results tonight.

Now I'm off to rest until my pupils return to normal size and I can see straight.

Happy Wednesday.


  1. I like your new pic!

    Funny recipe! I don't watch the Idol, but from what I hear, sounds bang on!

  2. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I cannot believe how perfectly awful those songs are!!! I feel so bad for the sounds like songs from a high school talent show. It is so painful to watch - and last night I thought Katharine might cry right in the middle - I would refuse to sing anything with the word "my destiny" in it - it is a pageant song.....and Taylor's song well was so terribly insecure - are you proud of me, huh, huh??? It seems so anticlimatic to have to see these poor folks suffer so - love the recipe...
    I hope your pupils are well rested.

  3. Crappe--love it!
    That's what those songs are!
    I'm watching LOST, I figure I will be bombarded with the new AI winner for weeks to come.

  4. hee-hee vintage Whitney before Bobby... I can still belt out "We are the children" -- do you know the one?


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