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Just call me four-eyes.

Here are my new glasses.

Whatdya think?

(I haven't gotten any pictures of me in my new cool prescription sunglasses yet... but trust me. I'm babe-a-licious in them.)


  1. Is this really you? Or is this the advertisement for your eye glasses? You look like a serious eye glasses model.

    Love them! Very funky.

  2. These are awesome, Cathy. Nothing but Babe.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I love them. They compliment your coloring!!

  4. You are awefully cute!

  5. You are totally cute in these. Great pick! And great pics!

  6. very cool... I need some new glasses, any recommendations?

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Cool glasses! So glad you posted.

  8. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Ok, fabulous BABE mobile here! Love them! Love you! :)

  9. LOVE the new glasses.


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