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The last Monday before summer

Here it is, folks. The last week of school. The last week of quiet Monday mornings when all the bodies have gone back to their 'jobs' so I can do mine.

I can't wait to let the kids sleep in. They've been harder and harder to wake up lately. I'm not sure what causes that phenomanon, but it's real. Even the dog's been sleeping later. It will be so nice to be able to enjoy leisurely mornings instead of barking orders about chores and backpacks and lunches and homework.

We had the most fantastic thunderstorm on Saturday night. We're talkin' the flash of lightning and the roar of thunder simutaneously... and tons and tons and tons of rain. I tried to take pictures of the rain. Hard thing - to capture rain. But honestly - in all my years of living on the Oregon Coast, I never saw rain like this. (Okay, I probably did, but it's been a really long time...) I really should weed today, since the ground is still nice and wet - it makes it so much easier to get the little buggers out of the ground. Maybe this afternoon.

I finished up my custom album project over the weekend as well. It's out of the house - which always feels like such a relief. I enjoy doing custom work, but always have an underlying fear that something terrible is going to happen to the client's precious pictures while they're in my possession. Now, the album is gone and I've got a nice fat check to go deposit in the bank.

A fat check that I already spent. I went and ordered new glasses AND prescription sunglasses yesterday. Wow. I can't wait to get them. I've never had prescription sunglasses, but have always wanted them. Costco was running a coupon for $25 off a second pair of glasses, and since I just made this extra money, I decided to go for it. The older I get, the less I want to mess with my contacts and the more I just want to slip my glasses on. Now I won't have to worry about the summer sun issues I've had with my glasses before. Yay! I'll be sure to take pictures when they come in. Both pair are quite hip and funky, if I do say so myself.

I've got other stuff I wanted to post about, but K. just called and told me they're doing their rocket launches today... in 15 minutes. I've gotta go find film, since my digi batteries are dead and I just plugged them in to charge. I really need to get an extra set of those. For today, I'm digging out the film camera. Bummer. Oh well. It's better than no pictures.

Happy happy Monday to all my friends... I LOVE Mondays.


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I love rain so much...I'd love to see those rain photos if they turn out. I've never been able to catch a good shot of it before, but we don't get much rain here to practice on! *LOL*

    I'm listening to a Praise & Worship cd right now and the song playing is, "let it rain, His healing rain" that serendipitous type of thing. :)

    I am oh so familiar with the relief of finishing a project and the downer of having already spent the moola...*LOL* glasses are good though...can't wait to see those pics. :)

    Have fun taking rocket photos...(hey my boys love going to those launches!)

    Happy Monday to you too. :)


  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    It will be fun to see your new glasses. If I could I'd have about 10 pair. They should be like jewelry . . . a different pair with each outfit. That's assuming we have "outfits". C'mon, let's get real, those are few and far between.

  3. I lost my last pair of contacts in February and have been wearing my glasses everyday since (because apparently, I'm blind without them now!). The only time I miss my contacts is when I go outside to "play" and wish I was able to wear sunglasses. So myabe, I'll just get prescription sunglasses. I sure do like that idea, Cath!


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