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New job and new glasses

Asia got the job! They called this morning after making us wait for a week and a half. He starts July 17th, right in the middle of our Oregon Coast vacation... he may have to take off early from the beach house to go to some training. But that's okay. It's a new job - and he feels validated - and appreciated - and gets a pretty nice raise. YAY! I'm so happy for him. We're going out for Chinese tonight to celebrate. Thanks to those of you who prayed.

The kids have been a little sad considering their Dad traveling more with this job. There have been some tears. We had a great discussion this morning (before we knew he got the job) about how their worry about him being gone could decrease their Dad's excitement about the promotion, if he were to get it. They all vowed to not worry about his potential absence and be excited for him if he got the job. And guess what? When he came home to tell us, there were huge cheers all around. E. had a few tears later just for me. He wants his Daddy home every day. Who can blame him? But he's also learning to be a big boy and trust that he'll be okay. We'll get through it.

I got my new glasses yesterday. Love them. Asia thinks they're a little beatnik. I would agree. But what's wrong with beatnik? I think they make me look smart. Blogger's not letting me share pictures today, but I'll post some soon. Promise.

The kids and I have been having a ball together... and our little scrapbook project is a blast. We're all adding little tidbits to it throughout the day, and taking lots of pictures. We'll for sure remember this summer better than any other to date.

The kids had their piano recital last night. They both did a great job. And I'm hoping I won't have to listen to those four particular songs again for a long time. I've heard them all a gazillion times. And wow, I'm tired of 'Elegy' and 'Jericho...' I'm going to try to introduce a few new pieces to them this summer so they're still playing. Their teacher would be so impressed if they came into the fall with something new added to their repetoire.

I get to take a class at the store tomorrow. A collage-y Pet Portrait... the sample in the store is so funky and artsy-fartsy. I can't wait. I have some enlargements of the pictures I took of Gracie a couple weeks ago all ready to go. I LOVE taking classes. It's a great break from teaching. Especially when the project is so different from the things I teach.

I'm headed outside to revel in the sunshine. The weather has been perfect this week. Sunny and warm, but not hot. Love it. I've got a magazine and a diet Coke and my new sunglasses. What more could I ask for?

Cheers, friends!


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Congrats to Asia. I'm super happy for you and him. Money is always fabulous but being validated, appreciated, loved AND liking your job is even better. I didn't say "loving" your job because no matter what - work IS work in my book so I never totally "love" it. There are moments I love it though. Anyway, yippee kie yay!! Maybe he wil love it. Boo Hoo about him having to possibly leave the beach early.

    Just wanted you to know that you get the Mom of the year award. I, on the other hand, get the suckiest mom award. I think the 40's have done me in. In every way! Now is when I'm thankful my kids love me anyway, just for being their mom, because I'm certainly not earning their love. Do you think you could program my kids summer long distance? C'mon.

  2. YAY for Asia! It's always so good to know the man in your life is doing something he enjoys. So there with you.

    Love your scrapbook idea. When the kids are a little older I'll definitely have to get them help make a summer scrapbook.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  3. So glad your scrapbook is working out. It sounds like so much fun. Congratulations on the new job. Sounds like your summer is off to a great start!

  4. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Sooooo....does this mean that the house in Stevenson would be more centrally located to his new job? :)

  5. Yeah for Asia! And new opportunities :)

  6. So happy for the promotion for Asia. Hope your kids adjust to the changes of more travel quickly. Seems like they will as you have such a great attitude about it and they will catch that!


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