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It's hot in Spokane. (And everywhere in the Pacific Northwest according to my local weather-lady.) And it's getting hotter, I'm told. I am currently on a mission to cool the house down to 70 before the heat outside climbs above that point. Fans, fans everywhere. I think today might be a good day for movies in the basement after we finish our 'summer school' project o' the day.

We're going to Goodwill today. I've got oodles of things to get rid of. And I'm making the kids find 10 things each to donate. We just need to get stuff out of the house. If feels SO good to get rid of stuff.

We had a nice weekend. It was Hoopfest weekend in Spokane. Hoopfest is the country's biggest 3 on 3 basketball tournament. It literally takes over all of downtown Spokane for two days at the end of June. We didn't have anyone playing this year, but we went down to watch a some friends' kids' games. People people everywhere. And lots of loud music. And lots of basketballs flying everywhere. The bonus was - we walked right past my favorite camera store and I was able to duck in and buy new camera batteries. Mine have been losing their charge WAY too fast.

I had a comprehensive physical last Thursday. The test results from my nerve study came back normal, so the doc thinks my numb arm is a soft tissue thing he can fix with some back manipulation. I go in Wednesday so he can yank my leg. (He always twists and turns my back and stretches things out and pops things and then at the end he always grabs my legs, one at a time and yanks the bejeebers out of them. I hate it because I always let out this huge "HUUWWWWW!" sound. No matter what I do, that very unladylike sound emerges whenever he yanks. But I always feel SO much better afterwards...)

I got a tetanus booster while I was there. When was the last time you had your tetanus booster? I knew I was very overdue for it, and I have this wonderful nurse friend, Jan, who loves to talk about tetanus. Apparently it has nothing to do with rusty nails. And also, it is a disease you really don't want to get. So I got the shot. Then I proceded to not sleep well for two nights, because every time I rolled onto that arm I woke up because it hurt so much. But I'm protected from tetanus now again. Are you proud of me, Jan?

The kids are rollerblading outside already. Since it's going to be so hot today, I decided they should get their outside play in now, while it's less than 90 degrees outside. We'll start 'school' late today. That's okay. It's summer!

Love summer...

Have a fabulous Monday, friends!


  1. Enjoy your day. Hope you can keep cool. Sorry but I keep giggling thinking of your legs being yanked on and you letting out this odd guttaral moan! At least you feel better afterwards to make it worth the "HUWWWW" embarrassment! :o)

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    You crack me up! I laughed out loud reading about your leg yanking doctor. What a hoot! I wondered what that yelping noise was I heard recently! I just went for a massage recently and the lady told me my back is out of alignment and my first 2 ribs are pinching together. Who knew?

    And I can't believe about the tetanus thing. I talk all the time and I'm pretty much used to people not really listening to me because I'm always I'm always surprised when someone actually heard what I was saying!

    Good girl. You will be happy that you are protected from the tetanus spores and you're good to go for 5 years. The only patient I've had with tetanus was in the ICU in Baltimore and we had the room dark and had to move very quietly because every little noise or a light would make him start seizing. It's an awful, awful disease to get and has very high mortality. It's a simple thing to get the shot. Most people don't even know when there last one was. I'm proud of you!


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