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Rain, rain, go away

Okay. I'm tired of the rain.

It's been dripping, dropping for days now. And I'm done.

Ready for sunshine.

Ready to take walks with the dog again.

Ready to wear my flip-flops without my tootsies getting wet.

Oh - and there's this too - the paperboy never puts my paper into a plastic bag, so my newspaper is always soaked. Nice. Can't read a soaking wet newspaper.

That makes me cranky.

Not that I read the paper. I only get it for the grocery ads on Wednesday and the garage sale listings on Saturday. Then the rest of it usually goes in the recycle box, unopened and unread. But whatever. It's the principle...

Asia still hasn't heard about the job. He's had hints from a supervisor who gave him a recommendation, and an email from one of the interviewers whom he knew that are both promising, but we're trying not to get our hopes up. I sure wish he'd hear soon.

A couple of you asked if the Seattle interview meant we'd be moving... in a word, no. This is a position with lots of travel, so they aren't really concerned with your location. The people on this team have to go to offices all over the state, so their homebase doesn't really matter. We can stay in Spokane. I don't have to leave my new kitchen. Or the job I love. Or the kids' school.

We're not going anywhere.

Both Asia and I have been fairly preoccupied this week. He doesn't usually answer his desk phone at work. It's easier for him to manage his day if he lets calls go to voicemail and then returns calls when he has time. But this week he's answered it every time it's rung... just in case. So of course, he's not getting much done, except talking on the phone. And I, of course, am just waiting for a phone call from him... crazy. It'll be good to know, either way, so we can just get back to life and stop waiting for the phone to ring.

I'm off to look for a rhubarb recipe... got some rhubarb from my boss yesterday - YUM! I think I'll make muffins.

Have a great day, friends.


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Oh I hope he hears soon! I have been praying and thinking about you guys. Hugs to you.

    Hope tomorrow brings SUNSHINE!

  2. Rain, rain, go away, come back in the fall.
    Lovely poet I am, but I'm trying to send some sunshine up your way.
    Maybe you just need to bring the kids to SD for the summer :) I'll even take the pool cover off for you!


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