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A retrospective on June 1st...

Ahh, June 1st. Can you believe it?

Throughout my life I think I can safely say that June has been the month consistently filled with change... and June first probably one of the days most filled with anticipation.

As a child, June first meant summer vacation is right around the corner.

June 1st, 1984 was just a few days before I discovered that I had fallen in love with my best friend - who was graduating and joining the army... (see January 11th post... it's a sweet love story.)

June 1st, 1985 I was preparing for my first flight on an airplane to go spend 6 weeks in California with my big brother. I was going to work at a summer camp. I was sixteen. Sweet.

June 1st, 1987 was a week before my highschool graduation. And two weeks before I spent another summer in California. Life was good.

June 1st, 1988 I was finishing up my first year of college and packing up to spend the summer working with inner-city kids in Fresno.

June 1st, 1989 I was working my tail off, with a 6:30 to 2:30 shift at the Hilton hotel and a 4:00 to 8:00 shift at a retirement apartment community. I was always exhausted. But it was just a couple weeks before I was off for another summer at camp in Southern California.

June 1st, 1990 Summer camp again... this time in the Santa Cruz mountains. I was preparing to be the head counselor and anticipating a visit from a guy named Asia, whom I had met that February at a wedding.

June 1st, 1991 Asia was living in San Jose and we were dating... life was good... I was working full time and for the first time in years I was not going away to spend the summer doing some sort of ministry. However, in my job, I was supervising a group of summer interns, so it still felt like camp.

June 1st, 1992 - four weeks before my wedding. I was living in Eugene in the apartment that Asia would move into once we were married.

June 1st, 1994 - Asia was graduating with his Master's Degree and I was pregnant with K.

June 1st, 1996 - Pregnant with S.

June 1st, 1998 - Asia was interviewing with the FBI - he was going to San Francisco for the final round of interviews and we were anticipating a major life change and a move if he was hired.

June 1st, 1999 - (The FBI didn't hire Asia. We moved to Spokane in the fall of 1998.) Pregnant with E. Serious house hunting going on. We had already made offers on several homes that fell through.

June 1st, 2000 - Living in our current home, preparing to send K. away to kindergarten in the fall.

June 1st, 2002 - K. is finishing up first grade. S. is registered for kindergarten. Asia and I are leaving in four days for a week in Paris to celebrate our tenth anniversary.

June 1st, 2005 - E. is done with preschool and totally geared up for kindergarten to start in the fall.

Today. School's almost out. We're looking forward to our vacation at the end of the month. K. is anticipating his last year at the elementary school (it's so fun to be top dog...), S. is finishing up her last year in the primary wing and E. is spending his last days in kindergarten.

Happy June 1st, friends. It's a good day.


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I love your post. Very inspiring. I love how you documented everything. Very cool.

    Hugs to you. T

  2. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Cathy, did you work at Mt. Hermon? I worked at Young Life Woodleaf in the mountains Northeast of Sacramento? I spent three summers working at camp. 1 in California, 1 in Oregon and 1 in Washington. 3 of the best summers I ever had.

  3. Rod - no - I was just a little further up the road from Mt. Hermon - at Camp May-Mac... owned by CityTeam Ministries where I was on full time staff. My other three summers were at Green Oak Ranch in Vista, CA. WONDERFUL experiences... I miss those days.

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I went to Green Oak ranch when I was in Junior High. Would have been 68 or 69.

  5. tee-hee

    I was born in '69.

  6. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Cathy, how do you remember all that? I understand the June 1st thing, but the actual year? Sheesh, you are good. What a fun timeline to read. You will be so glad that you documented this, because I promise, there will come a time when you are NOT able to pinpoint the exact year of such events (speaking from experience as a person who now counts on her fingers to figure things like this out).


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