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Thunderstorms, Nordstrom and great big diet Cokes

Wow. I'm pretty sure lightning struck somewhere on my street last night. I was awakened at 12:30 am to the loudest thunder I've heard since 8th grade, when my house actually was hit by lightning. It was something, I'm tellin' ya. I'm so surprised the kids didn't bolt out of bed, all freaked out by the horrific volume.

I love thunder and lightning. We get our share of it here in the Inland Northwest... this time of year we have pretty severe weather several times a month. I love how loud and powerful and awesome it is. I love to sit on my front porch and watch the lightning. Glad I wasn't on the porch last night though - that might have been scary.

Took myself down to Nordstrom's this morning. Thought maybe I'd find some fabulous shoes or summery outfit I couldn't live without at the Half-Yearly Sale. There were a couple pairs of shoes I thought were cute, but nothing I couldn't live without. I tried on a couple pairs of pants and got thoroughly depressed by the view in the three way mirror... so I left empty handed. That's okay. I didn't really need anything anyway.

Stopped on my way home and got an extra large diet coke at McDonalds - no ice. I figure I can add ice once I get home and get that much more coke in my cup... just another thrifty trick I've picked up along the way. Geez - when did I get to be so cheap?

I've got the afternoon to lay out the custom album I'm working on. I'm hoping to finish it by tomorrow night. It's a really simple album - the client wanted to keep it clean - so I'm making great money on this one. Gotta love that. The simpler it is, the less time it takes me - and I charge by the page - so less time equals more $$$ per hour. All I've got left to do is assemble the pages... should be able to finish this afternoon if the dog isn't too demanding. Of course, I'll be going to the bathroom every ten minutes to get rid of the diet coke... so that isn't going to help.

Asia has a job interview tomorrow in Seattle. It's for a "location negotiable" position, doing audits on CPS case files all over the state. Lots of travel, but also a pretty significant pay raise. If you're one to pray - you could ask God to help his interview go well. I think it would be great for him to change positions... he hasn't been happy in his current job for quite awhile. I just want him to be happy at work, and a total change of pace certainly couldn't hurt where that's concerned. (For those of you who want to pray specifically, his interview is at 10:45 am. That'd be great...)

I'm off now to work on that album.

Toodles, friends.


  1. I'll remember to pray, but I'm not really sure what the time difference is, so I'll just do my best. The rest is up to the Lord. He's usually pretty good about these kinds of things. :)

    It must have been pretty freaky when your house was hit by lightening. Yikes!

  2. My dad once told me that his bedpost was hit by lightning (he grew up in FL and lived in a barn I guess), It always sounded pretty freaky, Cathy. I'm glad everyone is okay.

    I will pray with expectancy and hope your desires are met by God's plan.

    Anyway, how can you see you have become so cheap when you shop at Nordstrom?? Hmm??

  3. ah, i missed the opportunity to pray as he was going in, but i'll keep the situation in my prayers.

    does that mean you'd be moving to seattle? :D

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    i really like storms too as long as someone will sit up with me listening and watching. i hate hate hate being alone during a storm!

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    -love thunderstorms

    -*hate* three-way mirrors (that is just an unnatural view is it not?)

    -have switched to Green Tea *sigh*, but did enjoy those large,no ice,*regular* cokes so much, (ok still do sometimes...*LOL*)

    -Custom album sounds like a fun gig!

    -will pray, pray, pray (even though I missed the actual day)



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