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7:00 am and all is well

Wow, we've been getting up early here at the Goins' house.

The dog somehow got on a crazy schedule while we were gone on vacation. Our housesitter is a landscaper, so I'm thinking it's his fault. He must have been getting up really early and letting her out of her crate, because now, every morning at 5:00 she's whimpering.

Seriously whimpering.

Like "I've got to go to the bathroom right now and if someone doesn't come let me out, I'm going to go right now" whimpering.

And sure enough, I let her out, and she goes immediately to her spot in the backyard and goes.

Does anyone know how to adjust the bowel habits of dogs?

Okay. I don't really need an answer to that. She'll get back to her routine.

All that to say that I've been getting very little sleep.

Add the heat to the early mornings and Asia's absence and I'll bet I'm getting by on about 5 - 6 hours a night.

I'm not tired though. I'm actually enjoying my early mornings, since I need to open the house up then anyway, and it's the only time I can step outside without feeling like I'm inside a hair dryer...

Anywho - I've been trying to post pictures for two days. Blogger is having some serious issues. And I'm irritated. I'm really opposed to paying for a blog space, and have been happy with Blogger for over a year, but seriously. They need to take care of some stuff. 'Cause I want to share my pictures with you.

The kids were every which way yesterday. VBS, play dates, concerts, sleepovers... it was a crazy day. I had to stop myself a couple of times just to remember where everyone was. I feel like it was a little taste of what the next several years will hold for us, as they get older and their territory expands.

I have mixed feelings about it. I love the thought of them experiencing life - growing in their adventures, adding to their biographies. But it's unnerving to see their wings stretching. Their worlds are opening up before them.

The strange thing, is that while I watch this happening, I feel sometimes like my world is getting smaller. I really operate out of this one place. Home. I prefer home to anywhere.

So while they're out testing the world and experiencing more and more with age, I'm here.

I'm not really going anywhere with this. I'm sort of processing as I type, which I understand may be a little disjointed and not the best writing I've ever done.

Isn't it interesting how each day brings new things to think about?

Happy Wednesday, peeps.


  1. I am struggling with this older-kid-stuff. When, exactly did they aquire minds of their own? Was it when I ceased to be cool? All of the sudden, girls are really cute, mom is very embarassing, and each child has his own agenda. This is why children are allowed to drive at such a young age...I never knew!

  2. My girlfriend has blogger and was told about a place that hosts photos for you- it's called
    Might be worth a try to check it out :)
    Happy Wednesday to you, Cathy. I'm always so happy to come and read your bloggity blog.

  3. I had the same problem with Caleb awhile back (waking up at 5AM with a dirty diaper) I was also wondering how to adjust bowel habits (of a 16 month old). Things seem to worked themselves out. I wish the same for you :)

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Hey Gorgeous,
    Just checking in with you. We have been getting up earlier this week as well. Actually getting up earlier started when my husband was in Japan and even though he has returned our mornings have still started earlier. I have never been much of a morning person but I think it is time to become one... I think good things can happen in the morning. Now it is just a matter of doing those positive things... ah, always something :) Hope the rest of your week is fabulous! Hugs, T

  5. "Isn't it interesting...?"

    Can you imagine how dull life would be if it didn't?


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