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I have to share...


Now you'll all know that I am still desperately behind the times.

I don't own an ipod. Or an MP3 player of any sort.

I still buy CD's.

And here's where I buy them.

$5.99 a month. No shipping and handling.

I think it's a great deal.

If you like new music on a regular basis, you can't beat this.

Unless you are like 90% of the rest of the world, and you get your music one song at a time off of itunes.

Maybe I will too someday.

But for now, this is where I get my music.

Commercial over.

Mini Sound - 120x120


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    me dont have mp3 players or ipods either but me do like this 5.99 deal... super sweetness!

  2. Good tip!
    I shall look into it right away! I love o read your blog, dear friend!

  3. nice. Thanks for the plug.

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I do own an ipod and still like a jewel case with a cd in it... my ipod always seems to need to be recharged and needs special computer time with unique wires just for it - I must wait for Paul to get its' "juice" back. My kids all do the itunes one song at a time, which makes me sad... sometimes the best songs are the non airtime songs, the #8 or #9 on the cd that you would miss... songs grow on you too. There are songs that take months for you to finally get. SO all that to say I am with you and will check out the music.... what have you ordered lately? What are you listening to these days? ciao

  5. I don't own an mp3 player or ipod, either.

    Ebay is also a wonderful place to get CD's. Especially if you don't mind used--some fantastico deals there.

  6. I do not own an ipod or mp3 either.
    ds#1 does.
    But I do sometimes use itunes and then burn a mix cd. I used to make mix tapes all the time (I still have some of them from high school .. scary!!).
    I like a variety so that works for me, but I'll have to try your suggestions, because I also love to have the cd. :) Thanks

  7. Corey -

    My favorite CDs right now are by Five for Fighting and James Blunt. I just can't get enough of their falsetto-y voices. Sing it baby...

    I have Anna Nalick on order. And some oldies - the Cars, the Police and the Top Gun soundtrack. Funny. I know. Can't wait to get the Cars. They always remind me of Brian...

    Have you heard Renee Oldstead? Love her voice. Wish she would do more original songs.

    I listen to a lot of classical music too. LOVE anything with oboe or cello.


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