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I realize I've not been my normal, bloggy self lately.

I sit down to write and my mind goes blank, save for a few ridiculous things I can only get away with on a Tuesday Ten post... I just have very few interesting or insightful things to say these days.

So I'll just write a little update. No deep thoughts or life changing revelations.

Just life.

Asia told me last week that he's taking me on a cruise for our fifteenth anniversary. Wow! This guy is such a keeper. Paris for our tenth anniversary and a cruise five years later? Okay, honey! I've been consumed with researching cruising... lots to learn. Looks like we'll be doing the Western Caribbean in May.

Things are progressing on the Tejan front... last week they were calling our references. I still haven't heard anything for awhile, and my pastor teased me yesterday at church, saying they told him that Tejan was coming this weekend. Ha! Who knows? Our hearts are ready... but the house? Not quite. Hope we hear something definite soon.

I had a huge class on Saturday... a really fun magnetic perpetual calendar. I really should post a picture of it. Maybe later. I had 17 people in the class. It was great to see how different each one turned out, based on individual creativity and variances in the goodies each person brought to class to contribute to their project. Love classes like that, where I provide the base inspiration and people just go with it. So cool.

Came home from church yesterday with a terrible pain in my gut and ended up spending most of the day resting with gurgly tummy. Not sure where that came from. I'm feeling a little better today, but not totally up to par quite yet, I can tell. I've got too much to do to be sick...

Asia and I are keeping busy with young couples... We are formally mentoring David and Brynn, a couple who used to attend our church and are now on staff with the Salvation Army. David is from Ireland, and is a total blast to talk with. He and Brynn were married in July and asked us to mentor them last fall. They used to work with our kids at church, so it's fun for the whole family when they come over. We also had lunch with another couple last Friday - Patrick house sat for us last summer and became a friend over the course of numerous visits... he proposed to his girlfriend on New Year's Eve, and wanted to get together with us so we could meet her. This weekend, Ryan (our past house-mate) and his fiancee are coming to town... we're looking forward to some good talks and mentoring opportunities with them as well. I still am not quite sure how we ended up being the 'old people' in these relationships, but LOVE that God has given us this ministry.

I had a bad Mommy morning on Saturday... Asia was gone playing tennis and I was preparing for my class... turned out one of the kids had ruined something I had prepared the day before and it set me behind schedule by over an hour... I yelled. Kids cried. It was ugly. Later in the day, after the class and after much soul searching, I sat down with them and asked their forgiveness, and then did something I'd never thought of before. I asked my kids to pray for me. That I would not be a Mommy who yells. Wow. It was so humbling. And yet, I feel like perhaps it may be a turning point in this struggle I've had for years... losing my temper and raising my voice... We'll see. It was a sweet time of more (happy) tears and hopefully God will honor the prayers of my sweet babies and continue His work in this area of my life. I don't want them to grow up and say "My Mom yelled all the time," which is what I feel like sometimes. Ugh. Bad Mommy. God is good, though, and I know His faithfulness to my kids is what's going to bring them to adulthood with any semblance of sanity.

Asia's gone this week, after being home for three. Back to the grind.

Time to get dressed. And fold clothes. And dust. (Have I ever told you that I have to dust almost every other day? I swear, it's still dust from the kitchen remodel... oh, and the Gracie slobber doesn't help...)

Happy Monday, friends.


  1. I think it's good to ask your children to pray for you... :).
    I'll pray too and thanks for your prayers!
    How fun to be the mentor for these families!
    Yeah! cruise!!
    We wanted to do something fun like that but care of children was a problem. Let us know what your plans are so we can live vicariously!! :)

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Cathy, for someone who didn't have much to say, you said quite a bit and good stuff to. Looking forward to tomorrows Tuesday ten.

  3. Once again I say we live parallel lives on opposite coasts. I can be a yeller also, has been a prayer on my heart for a long time. My father, whom I no longer speak to, was a yeller. I try so hard, but and do ok. I have apologized to my children often, but never asked them to pray for me. Will have to do that. Thanks for sharing and reminding me once again that I am not alone.

  4. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Have you considered having the ductwork vacuumed out since the remodel? That would help get rid of the leftovers. Also, having the furnace fan & inside a/c coil cleaned. Maybe a better filter in the duct system, but they need to be changed more often, maintenance, ya know.
    I enjoy reading what goes on in the life of Kelly Lee's good friends family's life. Your kids are great. They have two awesome examples.
    Enjoy your cruise to paradise.
    Blessings to you all,
    KP in Boise

  5. I'm a bit behind in my blog reading! How exciting that you get to go on a cruise. That will be so fun. Yep, he's a keeper!


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