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Ten. Dix. Diez. Tien. Dieci.

  1. School conferences today. I know for a fact that one report is not going to be good. To the tune of an F in math for my firstborn. Why? Because he hasn't turned in his homework. Because he's lied to me every day about homework. You can be sure, there are going to be some painful consequences laid out tonight. Ugh. Parenting stinks sometimes.
  2. Just finished an amazing book... Samson and the Pirate Monks. I think this book should be a must-read for Christian men. Great stuff. The author reveals the dangers of rugged individualism in the church and how men need each other to be honest and caring and supportive... It's well written. Honest. And a page-turner to boot. Now I've just got to get Asia to read it... my husband likes me to read books and then tell him what they're about so he can go acting as though he read it. But I think he needs to read this one himself...
  3. I've been in a bit of a funk lately... feeling tired. And cranky. And like I fail again and again. I'm a bad mom. A terrible housekeeper. Lazy. Ugh. Ugly stuff running through my brain lately. Trying to find truth in God's word and remember God's goodness to me. But in the daily push to get through my days, my failings loom large. (This could be a whole post, for sure, but it feels safer to call it #3 and move onto #4...)
  4. I offered to help a young bride from church with her invitations... she came by the store last week and we talked about what she wants. We're making 600 invitations. That's six-zero-zero. Wow. Not sure what I've gotten myself into! But I'm glad I can help. It's easy for me to break the project down for her and we'll just get a bunch of girls together and work our litttle tails off some Saturday. It'll be fun. Really... really!
  5. I'm really missing my annual girls' weekend... usually in March I meet my mom and girlfriends in Portland for the CK convention. Last year, we felt burned out on the convention and decided not to do it this year. And I didn't meet Brooke last fall for our annual Portland shopping trip. Seriously wanting a girls' weekend. We've got one scheduled for June. But that seems so far off...
  6. Rain, rain, go away.
  7. Scrapbooked a little more the last few days. Lovin' being in the studio. Lovin' getting some layouts done. Lovin' some of the new products I've bought.
  8. E.'s wrestling awards dessert banquet is tonight. Although I'm thinking it's probably not so much a banquet and more a smorgasborg of 'let's stop at Albertson's on the way and buy a pie to take to the dessert...' E. is excited about it. He's already got three medals from his meets. Not sure if he'll get something else tonight or not.
  9. Idol tonight. Not feelin' the love for anyone in particular this year. Although I have to say, that Lakisha is amazing. And I like Blake, although I'd like to personally wring his neck because whenever the kids see him they feel the need to walk around the house beat-boxing for three days. Sanjaya - well, let's just say I cannot get over how much my own child looks like him. Lack of talent aside, I feel a strange attachment to his hair and his geeky attempts to get through this strange assignment life has handed him. And then there's 'deer-in-the-headlights' Melinda Doolittle. Is it just me, or does that girl have no neck? (Come on. You know you've thought it. I'm just sayin' it out loud.) I kind of feel like the whole show is a bit of a train wreck this year. I'm not really enjoying it, but I can't look away...
  10. There. I got to ten. I thought I was done at four. Yay for little victories in blog writing!

Love you, friends.


  1. #3 makes me wish I could give you a big hug!
    It's hard when you are feeling that way even though you know there is really no truth to it.
    Makes me think of Suzanne's "bees buzzing" analogy.

    And bless you for helping with those wedding invitations! Hopefully, she will really appreciate it :0)

  2. I was thinking of the same thing as Mary Jo. We all have days like that, some worse then others. I know how you feel.
    I would love to know what new products you have bought latley that you are loving right now. Me thinks I need to shop. ;)
    And 600?! Wow, you are brave. Will you show us what design you two come up with?

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    No neck insdeed!

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Oops, "indeed". Can I spell?

  5. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I know what your talking about with the oldest child failing a class and lying to you about it. We are in the same boat. BUSTED!! I love Jordan for American Idol. Love her and her smile!!! Little Michael Jackson needs to go...can't stand that boy!! Yeah, it has been too long for us getting together!! YIKES..come on JUNE!

  6. I thought I was done at 4 today, too. Blech, not into blogging lately.

    I want a girls weekend!

    I am so sorry parentting stinks sometimes. I have stories to tell, too, but I have to go to bed. right now.

  7. yeah,
    ditto that.
    love YOU.
    wish WE could have a girls weekend,
    now that would be some FUN!

  8. Hey Cath, :-) K is *WAY* cuter than Sanjaya!!!!!! I feel sorry for him. People keep voting him through and he has to keep getting up and enduring the judges feedback. Pook kid!! He is outa' his league. And, the pony-tailed faux-hawk did *not* work for me!! Every week I seem to find myself more drawn to Blake (Seth also picks up the beat-box thang!!) Sure, Lakisha and Melinda have great voices and are amazing performers, but R & B just isn't my favorite genre so I have a hard time getting excited about them. There are my thoughts on Idol. I think Hailey should have tried out for the Broadway Greece show. She has a gorgeous Sandy voice!


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