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Getting to know you Wednesday

So in today's little comment bribe-fest I have a little multiple choice quizzie for you.

(Using the work quizzie reminds me of Mr. Seleski, my highschool math teacher, who, whenever he used that word had to point out that you could not add the same little cutsie ending to the word test without getting in trouble. But I digress.)

So off we go...

1) You're in the cereal aisle at the grocery store. You buy:

a) All bran. I'm all about fiber.

b) Frosted Flakes. They're GRRRRREAT!

c) Granola. Love me my granola. Especially on yogurt.

d) Pop-Tarts, baby!

2) You get a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble. You choose:

a) A new CD right off the 'what's new' rack. You're a slave to the top 40.

b) Coffee from the Starbucks shop. One a week for 6 weeks.

c) The last Harry Potter book.

d) Three books off the bargain book rack.

3) You wake up earlier than normal. You decide

a) to go for a nice long walk and get your exercise for the day over with.

b) you'll have to be sure to get a nap later. You simply can't get by on less than 8 hours.

c) to use the time to catch up on the blog reading you haven't had time for lately.

d) to start the laundry early, mop the kitchen floor and dust the entire house.

4) You're in the mood for a movie. You pull this oldie off your DVD shelf

a) The Mission

b) The Princess Bride

c) Shawshank Redemption

d) Four Weddings and a Funeral

5) Your favorite Brady kid was

a) Cindy. How cute were those pigtails?

b) Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

c) Greg. He was hot.

d) Jan. I've always been a big supporter of the underdog.

6) You're headed to Baskin Robbins on a hot summer day. You can hardly wait to eat your

a) single scoop of vanilla in a bowl.

b) triple chocolate brownie in a chocolate dipped waffle cone.

c) chocolate chip mint in a sugar cone.

d) raspberry sorbet.

So there you go. Answer here in comments and tomorrow I'll choose one lucky winner to receive your very own copy of this wonderful CD.

Have at it, friends.



  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Good Morning, Cathy
    1. Frosted Flakes, they are GREAAT
    Thurl Ravenscroft who did the voice of Tony was a great voice actor.
    2.I would get a new CD, I get all the books I want at work.
    3. I would read Kellywell and Thoughts and then check their blogrolls for other interesting things to read.
    4. Princess Bride, it stars Andre the Giant with a bunch of other people. Also I would rather laugh than cry.
    5.Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. She was hot then and still is.
    6. Chocolate Chip Mint in a sugar cone and I would buy an extra quart to take home and make grasshopper pie.

  2. 1.A-I don't know that I'm "ALL about fiber", but...every little bit helps!

    2. C-I reall am "all about the last Harry Potter book" right now, but normally it would be d.

    3. C-definitely C!!

    4. B- I guess. None of those choices would make my "purchase of movie" list, but...whatever.

    5. A-You can't buy a lisp like that!

    6. C

    You do know that Ree just gave away a $200 gift certificate to William Sonoma on her blog, don't you?....Just sayin'.

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    1) You're in the cereal aisle at the grocery store. You buy:

    a) All bran. I'm all about fiber.

    b) Frosted Flakes. They're GRRRRREAT!

    c) Granola. Love me my granola. Especially on yogurt.

    d) Pop-Tarts, baby!

    Can I put in an e? None of the above. I would buy natural peanut butter for peanut butter toast--my daily breakfast

    2) You get a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble. You choose:

    a) A new CD right off the 'what's new' rack. You're a slave to the top 40.

    b) Coffee from the Starbucks shop. One a week for 6 weeks.

    c) The last Harry Potter book.

    d) Three books off the bargain book rack.

    I would buy C. Our whole family loves the Harry Potter books.

    3) You wake up earlier than normal. You decide

    a) to go for a nice long walk and get your exercise for the day over with.

    b) you'll have to be sure to get a nap later. You simply can't get by on less than 8 hours.

    c) to use the time to catch up on the blog reading you haven't had time for lately.

    d) to start the laundry early, mop the kitchen floor and dust the entire house.

    I would probably do d. There's nothing like a clean kitchen to start off the day.

    4) You're in the mood for a movie. You pull this oldie off your DVD shelf:

    a) The Mission

    b) The Princess Bride

    c) Shawshank Redemption

    d) Four Weddings and a Funeral

    If I had to choose, I would choose d, but even better choices for me would be "Enchanted April," "Pride and Prejudice," or "Room with a View." Ah, romance!

    5) Your favorite Brady kid was

    a) Cindy. How cute were those pigtails?

    b) Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

    c) Greg. He was hot.

    d) Jan. I've always been a big supporter of the underdog.

    d. Jan was the first character that I remember who was a girl--who had glasses besides Mrs. Beazley on Family Affair--and she was a doll and didn't really count.

    6) You're headed to Baskin Robbins on a hot summer day. You can hardly wait to eat your

    a) single scoop of vanilla in a bowl.

    b) triple chocolate brownie in a chocolate dipped waffle cone.

    c) chocolate chip mint in a sugar cone.

    d) raspberry sorbet.

    C for this one. Mint is very cool on a hot day.

    Thanks for the quiz. I look forward to wed.


  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    1. Frosted Flakes now has a lower fat version. Less guilt?

    2. Books: cookbooks, perhaps a crossword puzzle book.

    3. Well, probably laundry and such; and then a nap in the afternoon!

    4. Just mentioned to my folks yesterday I need to watch The Mission again. Have never seen Shawshank but probably should.

    5. Jan. Underdog all the way.

    6. Must go with the chocolate: However, I would choose chocolate peanut butter. Yum.

  5. Anonymous3:34 PM

    1. I am forever on a diet, so when I cheat, I make it a wothrwhile. I'd skip breakfast all together and go buy that big round chocolate cake from costco that costs $16, and a big gallon of whole milk.
    2. I would buy lots of decorating magazines
    3. d. because that's what I do every single morning at 6 am. it's a terrible habit.
    4.none, I hate wasting time on tv
    5. I liked Alice the most because the kids were all bratty.
    6. double pralines and cream in a waffle cone.
    ~paj (kelly's friend)

  6. ) You're in the cereal aisle at the grocery store. You buy:

    c- I have been into those kellogg's granola squares lately.

    2) You get a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble. You choose:

    a) A new CD right off the 'what's new' rack. You're a slave to the top 40. Have to keep up with those teeny bopper dance students of mine!

    3) You wake up earlier than normal. You decide

    c) to use the time to catch up on the blog reading you haven't had time for lately. Love me some quiet computer time!

    4) You're in the mood for a movie. You pull this oldie off your DVD shelf:

    b) The Princess Bride- my hubby introduced me to this movie!

    5) Your favorite Brady kid was

    a) Cindy. How cute were those pigtails? Too cute!

    6) You're headed to Baskin Robbins on a hot summer day. You can hardly wait to eat your

    c) chocolate chip mint in a sugar cone. mmmm- refreshing!

  7. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Hi! I just love a picture a day!

    1) Frosted Flakes; reminds me of me on a cold winter's day.

    2) Three bargain books; I would give them away to those that read.

    3) e) roll over & finish my 8

    4) The Princess Bride; mawwage...

    5) Jan; she's my kinda gal

    6) triple triple chocolate brownie in a chocolate dipped waffle cone;
    Oh Yeah!!!
    (try Dairy Queen's Blizzard Xtreme Chocolate with chocolate ice cream, and get a large one so it lasts longer.)


  8. Anonymous10:47 PM

    1-B, but Golden Grahams would be my real choice
    2-D Go with the bargin
    3-B I don't do early
    4-B I relate to mostly dead
    5-none of the above, Greg is a creep
    6-D Fooled you, you thought Vanilla
    You know who like Golden Grahams

  9. ) You're in the cereal aisle at the grocery store. You buy:
    a) All bran. I'm all about fiber.BUt I would stare longingly at the Frosted Flakes until my colon reminded me of last Sept!
    2) You get a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble. You choose:
    d) Three books off the bargain book rack.- and save just enough to enjoy a coffee that day! Love me some Starbucks.
    3) You wake up earlier than normal. You decide
    c) to use the time to catch up on the blog reading you haven't had time for lately.-altho I would sit and think about all the other things I *should* be doing instead. :)

    4) You're in the mood for a movie. You pull this oldie off your DVD shelf:
    d) Four Weddings and a Funeral
    I prefer to laugh at movies

    5) Your favorite Brady kid was- will I ever be allowed to read your blog again if I say I really wasn't afan?

    6) You're headed to Baskin Robbins on a hot summer day. You can hardly wait to eat your
    b) triple chocolate brownie in a chocolate dipped waffle cone.

    Now i am hungry!


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