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Ten Today 'cause it's Tuesday

  1. Awake WAY too early this morning.
  2. Here's the deal with my hair. It's now long enough that I can feel it on my bare arms. It freaks me right out. I always think there's a spider on me or something. I'm not scared of spiders, but apparently I am scared of hair.
  3. It's been hot here again the last couple of days. Mid 90's. I'm not a fan of the 90's. Love the 80's.
  4. Speaking of the 80's, I'm heading home for my 20th class reunion this weekend. Of course, I wish I'd lost 10 pounds so I could be uber-fabulous, but all in all, I think I'm looking pretty good for 38. Still, I'm having lots of highschool-like anxieties about going alone. What if I'm still a wallflower at 38? Okay - I was never a wall-flower, but you know what I mean, right?
  5. My girlfriend Lisa had twins recently. I get to take her a meal tomorrow and see those sweet little babies. Can you even truly imagine what it must be like to take care of TWO newborns? Seriously. That's a lot of work. SO glad I'm not doing that.
  6. It's been hitting me lately what it might actually be like having Tejan here. I'm assuming he'll be in a cast after his surgery. I haven't dealt with a kid in a cast since Savannah was 18 months old. And hers was just a teeny tiny cast on a teeny tiny arm. His will be a whole big ol' leg. Things just may need to slow down a bit for us, I think. At least the getting in and out of the house routine... what have I gotten myself into?
  7. Have you seen the new KI Memories lace cardstock? Oh my grief. That's some scrapbooking love.
  8. Bought a panini press the other day. My favorite so far? French bread, caesar dressing, turkey, thin apple slices and feta cheese. Yum. I love panini.
  9. If you ever need to waste time on hilarious-blog-reading, move your mouse over to my blogroll and check out Pioneer Woman. Ree is one funny chick.
  10. Happy Tuesday, friends.


  1. Love Love Love your new photo. Dang, girl, you are one hot 38 year old!

  2. Oh that is some yummy patterned paper indeed... and could you let me know how often you use the panini press? I've been thinking about buying one, too.

  3. Hey friend - have fun at the 20th, kind of wish I was going and then not at I understand your can those insecure high schooly feelings still exist?
    I think you look HOT so enjoy it.

  4. btw years ago Paul said that you looked just like Sela Ward (actress) just make your mantra.."I am as hot as sela ward" - she is one fine woman....would you like me to send you a tape recording of all the positive true things about you? I can you know.

  5. i LOVE ree!!
    and yes, ki-YUM :)


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