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Conversation this morning on my living room floor.

Ethan and Tejan were sitting on the floor, looking through the newspaper for the comics, when Ethan tooted.

Nobody said anything for a moment.

Then Tejan said "Sorry."

Ethan looked up perplexed. "For what?"

"For you."

Ethan tried the social ignorance route - "Why?"

But Tejan didn't buy it...

"Because you were vibrating."


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Vibrating? hee :o)

  2. Ok, that is sooo funny! I am going to use that line. You know, if I ever have such opportunity.

  3. *Snort*
    That is way to funny :0)

  4. I was telling my friends this little story all day yesterday. You have coined a new term, I think.

  5. Ok, my side has officially SPLIT from laughter. Loved that....wonder why my 6 year old hasn't said it yet.


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