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8:16 am

Coffee pot.

Crumbs on counter.

Travel mug washed and still on counter from my intern meeting on Monday morning. (Evidence that I am the only person who puts hand washed items away and I've had a busy week.)
Outside my front window. It's frosty today, but really, quite warm for January. Our highs have been about 10 degrees above normal all month.

It's garbage day.

Someone needs to pick up pinecones.

E. watching tv. Thursday is the only morning I allow this, since it's late start at school. They have to hang the clean shirts up while they're watching.

Savannah also watching - surrounded by shirts that need to be taken to their respective closets.

Doesn't she just look bored out of her gourd?

The sun is shining. Hallelujah! This has been such a fabulous winter - especially after the ALL the snow we had last year.

The closet door is open, as it is almost every morning. Somehow the kids have no problem opening it to get their backpacks out, but they never seem to get it closed. Notice the pile of stuff on the floor of the closet... apparently hanging coats up is too much trouble.

More shirts on the chair.
My coffee cup.

Gracie girl.

Don't you love the stray dryer sheet under the chair?

I like to keep it fresh.

My coupons out on the kitchen table. I'm planning a trip to the grocery store today.

E.'s lunch out on the island waiting for him to pack it.

The pretzels are out because Kyler added them to his lunch and didn't put them away afterwards.

Again, please note the sunshine. I never get tired of sunshine streaming into the house during the winter.


Happy Thursday, friends.


  1. Thanks for the peek inside your house! :) Love the shirts laying....the kids each get a basket that typically does not get emptied totally until I call for it aweek later and they need to use it for dirty~ I refer to them as "the other dresser" when they can't find something they want to wear!
    How is Gracie's knee??

  2. Loved the little visit to your house this morning.....Made me feel warm and confortable especially with the dryer sheet under the chair. What a nice homey touch. Lorraine should suggest that to her clients for the "homey look"
    Wish we lived closer so we could visit in person more often : )
    Love you

  3. The sun is so rare in these parts during winter, I don't mind it's rays coming anymore. It's welcoming, and refreshing.

    I JUST had a conversation with our girls about the junk on the floor of the coat closet. WHY did we install hooks anyway?

    I love your everydays.

  4. Loved this post. My favorite photo was the plain, simple one of the dryer sheet under the chair.


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