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Tuesday Ten-ish

  1. Today my husband is 45 years old. He's more handsome and well-rounded than he was when I met him... truly, he just gets better with age. Happy birthday, hon!
  2. We volunteered last Sunday at the Coeur D'Alene Ironman. Wow. What an inspiration to see all those athletes working so hard... pushing their bodies. We worked at a bike aid station with Kyler's cross country team, giving out water and Gatorade, Power Bars, Power Gel and bananas. We were at mile 40 of the bike ride... which is apparently when lots of athletes needed to go to the bathroom, because there were TONS of them stopping to use the porta-potties at our station. We will for sure do this again next year. It was really fun.
  3. We got rid of the kids overnight for our anniversary on Sunday and had such a lovely, quiet time together. We took a nice long walk together on a new trail, went out to dinner at one of our favorite south hill patio restaurants, watched a movie with some Ben & Jerry's, got up in the morning and took a walk through Manito Park to go to our favorite bakery for breakfast... it was so nice. He's still my best friend.
  4. We've been enjoying lots of good friends - feeding people summer-y meals on the back deck. Truly, making and sharing delicious food with dear people is my favorite past time... besides maybe walking... I love taking walks with friends too. Dinner on the deck followed by a nice long evening walk is my favorite, most perfect thing to do at the end of the day.
  5. Signed up and tried Bountiful Baskets last Saturday. I was really pleased with what we got... we ended up with 4 zucchinis, a bunch of grapes, some peaches, apples, lettuce, green beans, a melon, bananas, 4 avocados, and probably a few other things I'm not remembering. It was a TON of produce - in great shape - really fresh and super tasty. I love that it is such an easy way to get produce for less - and that it encourages us to eat more fresh fruit and veggies.
  6. I've been outside working on my flower beds a ton this year... I'm an on-again-off-again gardener for sure. Some years I just don't do a thing out there. But this year I'm really motivated to have pretty beds. They're shaping up really nicely and I've been able to add in quite a few perennials. Costco had Delphinium last week, which are some of my favorite flowers so I bought up a couple of nice big plants... it was the perfect addition.
  7. Fourth of July on Sunday... we fail at this holiday as a family. We've never established a tradition for it - so every year we sort of flail around trying to decide what to do... and it usually ends up being pretty lame. I hate that, since I'm a tradition-lover. And because I always want to make one of those pretty Fourth of July cakes with berries looking like a flag... but never have anywhere to take one. Grrr.
  8. Thought I could make it to ten but I've got to get ready for work... smooches, friends. Have a lovely day!


  1. I had never heard of Bountiful Baskets before today, and I just went to the site and found that the Spokane Valley location is really close to our house. I'm going to try it out! So glad you posted about it. :)

  2. Happy birthday Asia and Happy Anniversary!! :)Even with the kids being older, it is nice when we get rid of them for a night and can enjoy the quiet of the house alone. Sometimes I have to fight the guilt of being home when they are not.
    One favorite things to do is a nice dinner on the deck and walking as well. Especially with friends. Our friends appreciate my cooking so much more than my family at times. I love to feed people. I think I get that from my grandmother. You have many more nice trails where you are than we have here. I am very jealous!!! I wish we lived closer as well, I would share slips from my perennials with you. Many of them are way past need to be split.


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