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Cravings Part One

We might think we ‘can’t help’ gaining weight because we’re cravers. We crave food, but if we give ourselves a chance we’ll find that we crave other things too; food is just the easiest target. I found that I also craved being able to give. I craved being active, doing something I loved. I craved beautiful clothes I looked good in. … And not only that, I wanted to be a blonde."

~Jean Nidetch
Founder of Weight Watchers

We had this quote as part of our meeting curriculum last week at Weight Watchers.

And it rocked my world.

The longer I strive after this healthy lifestyle - this daily decision to choose to control my eating so I can stay at a healthy weight - the more I realize it is not something I will ever 'figure out'. As much as I'd like to say I've got it licked - that it's easy for me now, that would not be the truth.

Because almost every single day, it's a struggle.

But this quote has been so good for me to ponder.

Because food is most definitely my 'easy target.'

And because there are so many other things I crave - that get lost because my tendency is always to satisfy the craving that is most easily fed. The food one. So it gets all my attention and the things I REALLY long for get ignored... or forgotten...

The meeting topic last week was on vacation - how to stay on plan and focused on your weight goals in the midst of all the challenges that come along with holidays and road trips and living out of a suitcase and being on the road for hours on end.

But in light of this quote, I asked the members "What is it you really crave when you're on vacation?"

Quality time with family and friends.
New experiences.

So why do I let all my excuses for being able to eat whatever I want foreshadow the quality of all those admirable expectations? It goes so far beyond vacation... it goes to the whole of life... the things I know I'm called to... the hopes and dreams that make me who I am...

I don't know if I'm explaining myself very well.

But I do know that I've been compelled since I finished my last meeting of the week on Thursday - to write out my own list of things I crave... things besides food.
So watch for it.

I'm pondering it. Praying over it. Dreaming big and asking for Vision.

I know this: I don't want to cheapen the beauty of life by settling for food when what I really crave is SO much more satisfying and meaningful and lasting.


  1. Where was this post before my Disney vacation!? :) One thing I had to come to terms with "this time around" losing my weight that is was never ever going to be something that came naturally to me - good choices with food do not come naturally to me - I have abused it for far to long, and not given a healthy perspective on food when I was raised...some days I hate it, and wish I could be naturally thin, and eat whatever I want...never going to happen. Thanks for the quote and reminder that my triggers are usually due to other cravings I need to full fill. However, I "let myself go" on our vacation and am having a heck of a time getting out of that "one more day" mentality since we have gotten back. ugh. Although I am now on my third straight day "back on plan"! :)

  2. oooh. Lots to think about here. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wonderful thoughts...I intend to add your blog to my list of things I "crave"

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I really enjoyed this, Cathy. Thanks :)


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