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So after my little rant last week, I have been pondering F.U.N.

I was so despondent after our failed lake adventure... and it sort of freaked me - this fear that we don't know how to have fun as a family anymore.

But the more I thought about it, the more I began to feel that it's more about me...

I - somewhere along the way - have become a bit of a fuddy duddy when it comes to fun. I've come to value my own comfort so much that I let it get in the way of fun.

Some examples:
  • I never swim in the ocean when we go to the beach. It's gritty. And REALLY cold on the Oregon coast.
  • I don't participate in sport-ish things because I really dislike being sweaty - and I've always felt like I look stupid when I attempt anything athletic...
  • I hate being tickled... I'm always afraid I'm going to pee my pants. (I did, after all, push out an 11 lb 4 oz. baby...) I pretty much have a CONCRETE no tickling rule. (How's that for NOT fun?)
  • I don't dance in front of ANYONE except my family. I've always felt like I was a horrible dancer.
  • It's like pulling teeth to get me to play a board game - although once I do it, I always enjoy it.
  • The hobbies that used to bring me so much pleasure (scrapbooking and photography) have gathered dust on the shelf for the past year...

I don't want to be a stick-in-the-mud at age forty one.

So I've decided to do something about it.

August, 2010, is going to be my MONTH OF FUN.

I began last night making my fun list.

Every single day of August, I'm going to do something fun.

And I'm going to document it here. With pictures.

Are you as excited about it as I am?

('Cause I think it's going to change my life in all the right ways... which is always exciting for me...)


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    You guys should come to Yellowstone with us. Seriously. We're a riot ;)

    Take the kids to Wendy's for a frosty, and buy french fries to dip in their frosty.

    Take them rock-limbing at the YMCA.

    Make them all read the same chapter of Genesis and then act it out after dinner with costumes.

    Buy facepaint and have them paint large tatoos on one another, then post the pictures.

    Come and visit me and Tim for a weekend sans are no fun anyway. ;)

    I'm full of why am I not out having fun with my own kids? Who knows!

    Love you,

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Sounds great!! Can't wait to see what you come up with. Might steal some ideas from you.
    P.S. Now that Corey is closer and it looks like we are moving back maybe I just might get to meet you one day.

  3. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  4. excellent idea friend! :)


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