Life has been happening at such a breakneck pace here lately. I've wanted the time to sit and blog and barely am managing to get the bare necessities done... but this morning I woke up earlier than I'd planned to and figured it was a chance to enjoy some time for quiet reflection and a little blog action. Asia and I have been experiencing a fairly high level of stress... lots going on in the lives of the people we love - and it's weighing heavily on us. We have several friends whose marriages are at a crisis point. Family members who are struggling to make good choices. Potential lay-offs for Asia at work (not for him, but for employees on his team that he would have to let go.) Forced fulough days for Asia - reducing his income. It's felt like a lot. We're both pretty exhausted. And then, last Friday, a dear friend suffered a major heart attack. And we jumped into 'help' mode, doing everything we could to make sure her family was taken care of and they ...