- Things seem to be settling down here a bit... Kyler is officially done competing for the year but continues to travel and train with the varsity runners who are headed to state this weekend... coach picked his top five JV runners to do this, since they will be running varsity next year. Last weekend they were in Wenatchee for regionals and this weekend they head to Tri-Cities for the state competition.
- Kyler finished the season with an amazing 17:28 5K finish at the All-City competition. He took 28 seconds off his previous PR for that distance... it was a great finish for him. It was crazy wet and gloomy that day... in fact, he slipped in the mud and fell at the finish line. He was covered in it - but he didn't seem to mind.
- Savannah has started volleyball. End one season - start another!
- Speaking of Savannah - last week in P.E. class, she managed to smash her thumb between a 12 pound medicine ball that had just been thrown to her and a concrete wall... her whole thumbnail is black and her poor thumb is still swollen a week later. I didn't know it, but apparently we should have taken her in and had the blood drained from under her nail... oops. Now I guess it's too late. Poor thing. She'll be losing the nail for sure.
- Ethan dressed up in my old cheerleading uniform for halloween... gotta love a fifth grade boy who thinks that's fun!
- I was in charge of an event for Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago that ended up being a screaming success... it was a holiday open house - and it was standing room only. I was so thrilled with the response.
- I'm baking up a storm this week to get ready for a bake sale at church this Sunday to kick off our fundraising for our trip to Sierra Leone next summer. We'll be sharing about our story - about why we're going - inviting people to join us - and selling yummy food to (hopefully) hungry college students!
- I'll be launching the official 'Goins to Sierra Leone" blog on Sunday as well - watch for it!
- (How lucky is it that our last name is Goins? Pretty catchy, eh?)
- Time to go get my ballot out and vote. My father in law is running for State Senate in California... can't wait to hear the results of his race. He's so brave (and a little crazy) but for sure passionate about change... I wonder if he'll ever slow down...
Good morning, peeps. It's Friday. There's frost outside this morning. *FROST!* This week has been ridiculously chilly. I'm having mixed feelings about blogging lately. Mostly because I feel like all I've been doing is whine about being tired. Or overwhelmed. And because comments are lacking. And because I can't seem to think about anything to write about except Tejan. And because some of the thoughts I'm having are too private for the blog - or too repetitive. Or too unformed to turn into actual words you all could understand. So I'm struggling a bit. And yet, I'm committed to documenting the process I'm in. So I'll keep writing when the words come. And when they don't, like this morning, when I looked at that intimidating blinking cursor and my mind went blank and I started to break out in a cold sweat and began by talking about the weather... well, then, I'll just gracefully (or not so gracefully) back out of the room... tail between m...
Hmm, I always pronounced your last name in my head as Goins with an/oy/ like "boy"- who knew! Good luck with the bake sale, Cathy! You're such a cool lady :)