- Grad announcements/party invites are in the mail. Phew! That's a big job... and one that reminds me how desperately I need to do something about my address organization... right now I have all my addresses saved by piling all the envelopes I've received over the years in a great big stack. Not very efficient.
- Mother's Day was lovely... my family bought me a Vitamix... and we're having LOADS of fun with it... Best part? I got Asia to put spinach in his 'orange julius'. One leaf. But hey - you have to start somewhere, right?
- There is a new elementary school being built at the end of our block - opening in the fall. They are beginning to put the hardscaping in - and the school itself is really beautiful... I'm eager for it to be done so we can enjoy it. The pictures of the landscaping look so nice - it's going to be nice to have trees and benches and pathways in what used to be just an empty field.
- I found out this morning that Kyler's prom date is actually Kyler's girlfriend. I suspected... but hadn't heard the word officially...
- Kyler got me this lovely necklace for Mother's Day. It's a good thing when your son discovers Etsy...
- And Savannah bought me this bag.
- Having kids with jobs is fun!
- I am such a fair weather exerciser... I've gone from hardly moving at all to logging almost 20 miles a week... being outside in the Spring is SO good for my soul... I just can't get enough. Indoor exercise is the worst form of torture for me... but put me on a path and I'm a happy girl.
- We had dinner last weekend with a young couple from church that are getting married in September... they remind us a lot of ourselves at that stage of life. Sometimes I have little out-of-body experiences and view us sitting across the table from those kids... and wonder how in the world we ended up being that older couple.. married almost 21 years... I wouldn't trade places with them... the depth of understanding and love and comfort that comes from being together this long is worth a gajillion dollars to me.
- I've started watching Mad Men on Netflix... I hardly ever watch tv, but I like to have something to put on while I fold laundry... I'm enjoying it. Seeing all the 60's clothes and furniture and cars is so fun... it reminds me of my childhood.
Happy Tuesday, friends.
love the necklace :0) and...Mad Men is the best~!