- It's been awhile since I've done a 'ten' and most of my posts have been heavy of late so I thought I'd indulge in a good old-fashioned 'here's ten random things about life' blog.
- All three kids are FINALLY in school. Eastern is on the quarter system and started classes last Wednesday. Monday I rode the bus out with Kyler and Savannah to make sure they knew how to get there and then wandered around campus so Savannah knew where all her classes were. Kyler didn't want help, which of course made me feel ridiculous. I really wanted to walk with him to each of his buildings. "Come on, mom, I'm not in kindergarten." Sheesh. I can't help myself...
- Ethan is playing bass in the Spokane Youth Symphony - and loving every minute of it. He's also playing in jazz band at school as well as the orchestra there. He came home after a jazz band rehearsal playing the bass line for Chameleon... which if you're from Astoria, Oregon is simply known as 'Starting Line-Up'. Let's just say when he started playing it was all I could do to not jump up and bust out my cheerleading moves. AHS rocked the starting line-up thing...
- Back to talking about Ethan though... he was SUPER excited because apparently that song is a 'high school jazz band song.' His band feels pretty accomplished to be playing it in 8th grade.
- Asia continues to work two jobs and is looking forward to being able to work full-time at Spokane Therapist early in the new year, (we hope!) His practice continues to thrive and he is SO happy doing therapy with people. It's a crazy contrast to his job at the state, which has become an increasingly hostile environment. We will have a BIG celebration when he can officially walk out the door at the state for the last time.
- I can't figure out how to insert that video and keep my 1 - 10 numbers working. We'll have to make do with bullets. Of course that means I have to keep counting to be sure I reach 10...
- (Seven!) I've alluded to it on Facebook and Instagram but haven't really spelled it out here so I'll tell you about my promotion! I've been hired as an Adjunct Trainer for Weight Watchers. They hired 70 of us nation wide to cover all the staff training needs whenever there is a large push for a program innovation or a staff development curriculum to roll out. That means I got to spend a week in Jacksonville, Florida training for the position and that for the months of October and November I'll be traveling a BUNCH to conduct trainings throughout our district. I live in one of the biggest (geographically speaking) districts and so there's a LOT of ground to cover to get to all our service providers. That means I get to go to places like Ft. Collins and Grand Junction, Colorado, Casper and Cheyenne, Wyoming and Missoula, Montana. Out of the 8 workshops I'll be conducting, only one is in Spokane...
- I'll be out of town the next two weekends on totally unrelated trips - this weekend to Chicago for a different staff training for WW, and the following weekend to meet my brothers and their wives to do The Great Columbia Crossing. Super excited to get to walk across the mighty Astoria bridge with my big brothers. That takes me to a grand total of 7 weekends out of town in the next 9... I think I'll be keeping my bags packed...
- Savannah gave up her job at Starbucks/Safeway to take a position as a receptionist at Spokane Therapist. She LOVES the change and is getting more regular hours there. Starbucks was pretty demanding physically, and she's not my most physical kid... so being behind a desk for work is more her style.
- Seems like we made a really fast turn from summer to fall weather here in Spokane... I'm hoping we still get our typically beautiful October sunshiny days... it's been cold and grey and rainy WAY more than usual. Last week I went to a cross country meet where it POURED down rain. I don't remember in four years of watching Kyler run XC ever having to stand in the rain to do it. (I stood through TONS of rainy/snowy track meets, but never for cross...) Holding out hope that October will behave itself and we'll get some more sun before the yuck sets in.
Happy Birthday Cathy! , originally uploaded by Pink Paper Peppermints . All of these sweet bloggy friends threw me a cyber-birthday party! How fun is that? Thank you, dear friends. I am touched. It's really just what I needed today. Sweet Tanya even made me a cake. If you want to follow the party around cyber-space, you can go to Melissa's blog to see everyone who is participating.
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