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Okay - so I'm struggling with this whole issue of discontentment with my house... while I see it completely as a gift from God, there are things about it that really bug me...

  • I REALLY want a master bath - the older the kids get, the more I wish I didn't have to come out of my room to go into the bathroom - it's a PRIVACY thing
  • My old kitchen, huge as it is, just isn't pretty and new - I want a wood floor and gorgeous cabinetry and nice furniture
  • My concrete basement just feels dirty all the time - I hate that there is a part of my house that the kids call "the dark and scary room..."
  • My backyard is a wasteland of weeds with a rotten ugly fence.
  • My back bathroom has pink tile - 'nuff said.
  • My garage is literally held up with 2x4's propped up into the rafters.
  • My main bathroom is the size of a kleenex.

So there you have it - my list. And what do I want?

  • A clean, new kitchen without old, stiff drawers and scary stuff under the sink.
  • A nice big bathroom, and what the heck - a walk in closet.
  • A studio for my scrapbooking - with custom cabinetry and LOTS of desk space.
  • A beautifully landscaped and easy to maintain backyard.
  • A basement that looks like a house instead of a cellar.
  • An attached garage so I don't have to go out in the snow in the winter to get to my car.
  • A mainfloor laundry room

So what does all this mean? It means about every two weeks I go into a frenzy, looking at all the new listings online, where I discover there is nothing out there in our price range that wouldn't mean pulling the kids out of our wonderful Jefferson school... and that we really do live on the best street in all of Spokane... and that my house really isn't bad - it's a great house... and I go on about my business, until something makes me crazy about my house again, and I start the process all over again.

I think they call it a vicious cycle.

Asia tells me to call contractors and get bids to fix the things about this house that I don't like, but that would require getting out the phone book, which I absolutely hate doing...

...but that's another post for another day...


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Hmmm?? Sounds like someone needs to up and move to Vancouver, WA. There may not be a "Jefferson" school here but there's a "Lincoln". Is God speaking???


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