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Musings of a self-pitying fool

I'm in a crappy mood right now, so I'll warn you now - this may not be the most entertaining post ever.

The day got off to a good start, with Gracie sleeping well until almost 6:00, and me being able to get my bath out of the way before any of the kids were up. I felt organized, empowered and ready to tackle a long to-do list.

I drove the kids to school - the weather has turned and it was raining, so I dropped them off then started my errands. Post Office, doggie boutique, Goodwill (halloween costumes,) Office Depot and Papers Plus - all done in just over an hour. However, in the midst of all that productivity, my brain was working overtime, stewing about certain little things that have happened in the last day or so to hurt my feelings.

I have certain areas of my life that I am sensitive about. I've shared about some of them in my blogging. Others, I've kept to myself. I will continue to do so, for various reasons. But I can share about how easily I wander down a path of self-doubt and pity.

It's ugly and wrong and I'm not proud of myself.

Thanfully, God is ever-present, and I'm able to turn to Him in my hurt and disappointment - and He never winces.

So on this Wednesday, I'll be brief.

I'll go on with my day and slowly begin to turn the tide of my thinking to those things I know are true and noble and right and praiseworthy.

Why is it so hard some days?


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I am with you today on the hard days....especially as I received your email over on epic and replied brilliantly as well as honestly without needing anyone but you to see where I am at right now - and the damn site ate my note. Boy, am I in a bad mood. I will try again tomorrow, if I don't take a bat to my computer. Paul continually reminds me that I should cut and paste (and beg and plead) for my thoughts on the computer. I need to scribble in big fat letters all over colored paper to feel better tonight. See ya. Did I win the prize for feeling more sorry for myself in this moment? Please say yes so that I can pull out of the downward spiral i am feeling this evening.

  2. Oh Corey - I'm just so happy to hear from you, I don't care what mood you're in.

    I'm so picking needy tongiht.

    How is it that they rhythm of our lives is often so similar when we're so far away from each other? It's freaky and reassuring at the same time.

  3. I truly believe we need some of the hard days to fully appreciate the goodness when it comes. Hang in there!


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